[Haskell-cafe] Build problems (hsp, trhsx, ultimately Happstack)

Jeremy Shaw jeremy at n-heptane.com
Mon Apr 26 15:30:41 EDT 2010


Does trying to install hsp-0.5.1 work any better?

- jeremy

On Apr 26, 2010, at 12:27 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> On Apr 23, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Thomas Hartman wrote:
>> So, you might need to
>> -- upgrade hsx
>> -- make sure that the upgraded trhsx executable is the one being
>> executed by cabal install hsx (maybe deleting/temporarily moving  
>> other
>> trhsx exes)
> Unfortunately, this suggestion didn't work out for me.  I read  
> through all the relevant GHC documentation I could find -- I didn't  
> see a way to set a specific path for GHC to search through for  
> binaries.  Whether I moved trhsx or not, the error was the same.   
> But it's the only trhsx on my system.
> I've upgraded through every version of hsx that is compatible with  
> Happstack, and tried every hsp that is compatible with Happstack.   
> I've built Cabal-install, removed it, used the Arch package; tried  
> global/user installs for Happstack;  did a darcs get on the official  
> Happstack repo, and tried to build using its build script, on a  
> fresh GHC install; and other stuff that I guess didn't make much  
> sense.
> It always broke in the same place:
> [ ajs at kizaru:~/ ]$ cabal install hsp-0.4.5
> Resolving dependencies...
> Configuring hsp-0.4.5...
> Preprocessing library hsp-0.4.5...
> Building hsp-0.4.5...
> ghc: could not execute: trhsx
> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
> hsp-0.4.5 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
> ExitFailure 1
> The strange thing about it (that I noticed) is that GHC reports  
> failing during the building phase instead of the preprocessing  
> phase.  Maybe this is just an artifact of the logging system, but it  
> seems like GHC is doing something strange.  If I increase the  
> verbosity, (near the end) I get:
> *** Haskell pre-processor:
> trhsx src/HSP/HJScript.hs /tmp/ghc6345_0/ghc6345_6.hscpp /tmp/ 
> ghc6345_0/ghc6345_0.hspp
> *** Deleting temp files:
> Deleting: /tmp/ghc6345_0/ghc6345_0.hspp /tmp/ghc6345_0/ 
> ghc6345_6.hscpp /tmp/ghc6345_0/ghc6345_5.hscpp /tmp/ghc6345_0/ 
> ghc6345_4.hscpp /tmp/ghc6345_0/ghc6345_3.hscpp /tmp/ghc6345_0/ 
> ghc6345_2.hscpp /tmp/ghc6345_0/ghc6345_1.hscpp /tmp/ghc6345_0/ 
> ghc6345_0.hscpp
> Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc6345_0/ghc6345_0.hspp
> *** Deleting temp dirs:
> Deleting: /tmp/ghc6345_0
> ghc: could not execute: trhsx
> /usr/bin/ghc returned ExitFailure 1
> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
> hsp-0.4.5 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
> ExitFailure 1
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