[Haskell-cafe] Cal, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, OCaml, etc.

Mark Wotton mwotton at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 00:53:52 EDT 2009

If there's an Example section, it might actually be a good idea to  
include it on the package's hackage page, too.
 From a usability point of view, CPAN is much more helpful than the  
relatively spartan hackage description - if you're looking for a  
particular set of functionality, being able to filter out misses  
quickly is really nice.


On 29/09/2009, at 1:11 PM, Hong Yang wrote:

> A Cook Book is good but relies on people specifically working on it.  
> I think most of the package authors submit their packages because  
> they themselves need the modules in his real world.
> I think package authors adding examples in the Descriptions section  
> is a good start when they submit their packages. You do want to  
> facilitate people understanding and using your modules, right?
> Maybe later on we can add an Example section to Description,  
> Synopsis, and Documentation sections produced by Haddock.
> Also, having a section for comments is helpful. This is the case  
> especially when there are several similar packages coexisting,  
> comments can help people choose which one to use.
> Thanks,
> Hong
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 9:55 PM, Casey Hawthorne <caseyh at istar.ca>  
> wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Sep 2009 21:50:14 -0500, you wrote:
> >Good libraries are not enough for a language to go beyond mere  
> existence.
> >There must exist good documents, i.e., good tutorials, good books,  
> and good
> >explanations and examples in the libraries, etc, that are easy for  
> people to
> >learn and use. In my humble opinion, Haskell has a lot of  
> libraries, but
> >most of them offer few examples of how to use the modules. In this  
> regards,
> >Perl is much much better.
> Good thought!
> Is there a good way to add Haskell examples to the libraries?
> A Haskell CookBook might be just the ticket, also.
> --
> Regards,
> Casey
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