[Haskell-cafe] gbp sign showing as unknown character by GHC

Iain Barnett iainspeed at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 13:31:18 EDT 2009

Quick question: I've tested this in a couple of different terminals (roxterm
and xterm), so I'm fairly sure it's GHC that's the problem. Have I missed a
GHCi, version 6.10.4
Prelude> putStrLn "£"

Hugs98 200609-3
Hugs> putStrLn "£"

I get the same character output from a password generator I've writtern,
after compilation with GHC

[iainb]$ ./makepass2 50 2 >> testfile.txt
[iainb]$ cat testfile.txt
H(xW!:maNyxZ;h,IW=Uu4G$ztc>k at Q[g6?y:�TbG&5Nd")+"5+

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