[Haskell-cafe] Non-atomic "atoms" for type-level programming

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Wed Apr 29 07:49:38 EDT 2009

>     z :: client -> Label client
>     z client = undefined

>   ok :: (B.Label client ~ A.Label client) =>
>         client -> [A.Label client].
>   ok client = [ A.z client, B.z client]
> This technique relies on the explicit management of the identities of 
> modules both at compile-time (type annotation of D.ok) and run-time 
> (creation of (D client) in the body of D.ok). While explicit management 
> of modules at compile time is the point of the exercise, it would be 
> better to avoid the passing of reified module identities at runtime.

In particular, this variant requires all bindings in the module to take
an explicit parameter, instead of having a single parameter for the 
whole module. Having a single module-identifier parameter for each 
binding is better than having lots of individual parameters for each 
binding, but the idea of a parameterized module is to avoid these 
extra per-binding parameters alltogether.

Of course, my variant cheated a little, using the TF "feature" that
TF applications hide implicit parameters from contexts, so instead 
of 'Label a~type=>type', we write 'Label a'. (which meant I had 
to fix the 'a' to something concrete to avoid ambiguous types, as
I needed to use type families, not data families, to get the sharing)

Nevertheless, interesting possibilities.


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