[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell symbol ~

Maurí­cio briqueabraque at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 28 08:15:45 EDT 2008

 >> At the same place, I found that example,
 >> but wasn't wise enough to figure out
 >> what it does:
 >> (f *** g) ~(x,y) = (f x, g y)
 >> (...)

 > (...)
 > Please update the keyword wiki so it makes sense to you, after you
 > have got your head round it.

After the explanations, I think I got it, and just
updated the wiki. If you guys have some time
please check it for style and errors. I also got a
few wrong default links (I just created +++ inside
<haskell></haskell> and it links to something that
doesn't exist). Here it is:



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