[Haskell-cafe] GLfloat on a Mac

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Tue Aug 12 06:19:48 EDT 2008

Conor McBride wrote:
> This sounds like bad news to me. I wonder how broken this
> G5 ghc is for a G4. Perhaps it should be labelled G5
> rather than PowerPC in the large print. I'm quite scared
> about trying to build ghc: I worry that it may involve
> confronting large areas of my ignorance.
> I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.11 on a 1.5GHz PowerPC G4
> PowerBook with 768MB of memory. I've got gcc 4.0.0.
> I'm using the 6.8.3 build whose entry on this page

FWIW, I use ghc on my G4 and I got it by compiling from MacPorts.

It took the best part of  day, but the resulting binary works.


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