[Haskell-cafe] Re: Stronger STM primitives needed? Or am I just doing it wrong?

apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Apr 24 06:57:56 EDT 2008

David Roundy wrote:
> A simple primitive to do this (in combination with a totally
> rewritten STM runtime) would be
> subatomically :: ReadOnlySTM a -> STM ()
> which would run a STM computation that is guaranteed to have no 
> side-effects (i.e. can't write to TVars) and ignore its results (and
> let the runtime know that the results have been ignored).

Matthew Brecknell wrote:
> Nevertheless, the distinction between read-only and read-write 
> transactions does not necessarily have to occur at the level of
> types. STM is fundamentally a dynamic approach to concurrency
> control, so I think it would make sense for transactions to
> *dynamically* determine whether they are read-only or read-write, as
> they compose with each other.
> In that case, we can treat subatomic as a "hint" to the STM runtime.
> subatomic :: STM a -> STM ()

Concerning this question of whether the argument to  subatomic  should
statically or dynamically be known to be read-only, there is also the
option of collapsing  ReadOnlySTM a  and  STM a  by changing the
semantics of  writeTVar .

I mean,  writeTVar  can be used for two different things:

   1) communicate with other threads, i.e. crossing
        atomically  boundaries
   2) communicating inside a single thread/STM action
      à la mutable state (IORef).

We only want 1), but 2) is expendable, we can always use parameters to
pass state around or wrap the whole thing into a state monad. For 1),
it's enough to have a primitive

   scheduleWriteTVar :: TVar a -> a -> STM ()

that ensures to write the TVar at the very end of the  atomically
block. (This is similar to  scheduleIO :: IO a -> STM ()).

In other words, the current  STM  semantics can be implemented in terms
of  ReadOnlySTM  assuming that the latter has such a primitive for

   type ReadOnlySTM a = StateT TVarEnvironment STM a


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