[Haskell-cafe] Problem with PDF/PS backend in GTK2HS

Peter Verswyvelen bf3 at telenet.be
Sun Oct 28 10:07:34 EDT 2007

I have a strange problem, which is so elementary that I think I must be 
missing something...

In GTK2HS, when I draw text using using textPath, the text is located at 
different locations depending on which backend is used. I'm not talking 
about a difference of a couple of pixels , but in my case it's half a 
page off. The PNG and Win32 backend work fine, but the PDF/PS backends 
get it wrong.

For example, I modified the Text.hs demo in the demos/Cairo subdirectory 
so it also outputs PDF. Here the text is also at different locations, so 
I guess it's not just my code. Code is pasted below.

I'm using Windows, and GTK2HS version 0.9.12 from 

Maybe someone could give this a quick test on Linux?

I guess this is most likely a Cairo problem, and has nothing to do with 
the Haskell wrapper? Still this is hard to believe, since these kinds of 
bugs would be quickly found.



import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as M

boxText :: String -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
boxText text x y = do

  lineWidth <- getLineWidth

  (TextExtents xb yb w h _ _) <- textExtents text

  rectangle (x + xb - lineWidth)
            (y + yb - lineWidth)
            (w + 2 * lineWidth)
            (h + 2 * lineWidth)
  moveTo x y
  textPath text
  setSourceRGBA 0 0 1 0.5
  setLineWidth 3.0


transpSurface :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
transpSurface w h = do
  rectangle 0 0 w h
  setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 0
  setOperator OperatorSource

width = 400
height = 300

main :: IO ()
main = withImageSurface FormatARGB32 width height $ \surface -> do

  let render = do
        setSourceRGB 0.0 0.0 0.0
        setLineWidth 2.0

        transpSurface (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)

        selectFontFace "sans" FontSlantNormal FontWeightNormal
        setFontSize 40
        extents <- fontExtents
        let fontHeight = fontExtentsHeight extents

        boxText "Howdy, world!" 10 fontHeight

        translate 0 fontHeight

        translate 10 fontHeight
        rotate (10.0 * pi / 180.0)
        boxText "Yay for Haskell!" 0 0

        translate 0 (3 * fontHeight)

        setFontMatrix $ M.rotate ((-10.0) * pi / 180.0) $ M.scale 40.0 
40.0 M.identity
        boxText "...and Cairo!" 10 fontHeight
  renderWith surface render
  surfaceWriteToPNG surface "Text.png"
  withPDFSurface "Text.pdf" (realToFrac width) (realToFrac height) (flip 
renderWith $ render >> showPage)
  return ()

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