[Haskell-cafe] Duplicate instance declaration

Bas van Dijk v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 15:49:55 EDT 2007


I'm making an assembly language DSEL in Haskell (just for fun) very
similar to the one from Russel O' Conner in [1]

I'm trying to specify a 'mov' instruction. A 'mov' instruction has two
operands: a destination and a source. There are various constraints on
the operands. They have to be of the same size (8-, 16- or 32-bit) and
they have to be in a specific format:

mov reg reg
mov reg mem
mov mem reg
mov reg imm
mov mem imm

where reg, mem and imm are register, memmory and immediate values respectively.

I would like the type system to check as many constraints as possible.
I've managed to get the size constraints working. See the source below
this mail. For example the following are all type-correct:

valid1 = mov EAX EBX
valid2 = mov  BX  DX
valid3 = mov  AH  AL

And the following doesn't pass the type checker:

invalid1 = mov EAX BX -- Couldn't match expected type `Bit16' against
inferred type `Bit32'

I would also like to get the formatting constraints working. However
the solution in the code below gives a  "Duplicate instance
declarations" error. If I -fallow-overlapping-instances than the type
checker goes into an infinite loop.

I would like to know why this is happening and if there's a way to fix it.

Thanks in advance,

Bas van Dijk

[1] The Monad.Reader Issue 6, Russel O' Conner, Assembly: Circular
Programming with Recursive do,

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module ASM where

import Data.Word

-- TODO: Not finished yet...
-- This is the type of instructions.
-- It's going to be a Monad like the one from Russel O'Conner:
data AsmM = AsmM deriving Show

-- Sizes of registers, memmory or immediate values
data Bit32
data Bit16
data Bit8

-- A type-level function that determines the size of a value
class Size x size | x -> size

-- Types of values
class Reg reg
class Mem mem
class Imm imm

-- General Purpose Registers

-- Accumulator
data EAX = EAX; instance Reg EAX; instance Size EAX Bit32
data  AX =  AX; instance Reg  AX; instance Size  AX Bit16
data  AH =  AH; instance Reg  AH; instance Size  AH Bit8
data  AL =  AL; instance Reg  AL; instance Size  AL Bit8

-- Base
data EBX = EBX; instance Reg EBX; instance Size EBX Bit32
data  BX =  BX; instance Reg  BX; instance Size  BX Bit16
data  BH =  BH; instance Reg  BH; instance Size  BH Bit8
data  BL =  BL; instance Reg  BL; instance Size  BL Bit8

-- Counter
data ECX = ECX; instance Reg ECX; instance Size ECX Bit32
data  CX =  CX; instance Reg  CX; instance Size  CX Bit16
data  CH =  CH; instance Reg  CH; instance Size  CH Bit8
data  CL =  CL; instance Reg  CL; instance Size  CL Bit8

-- Data
data EDX = EDX; instance Reg EDX; instance Size EDX Bit32
data  DX =  DX; instance Reg  DX; instance Size  DX Bit16
data  DH =  DH; instance Reg  DH; instance Size  DH Bit8
data  DL =  DL; instance Reg  DL; instance Size  DL Bit8

-- Memmory

data Mem32 = Mem32 Word32; instance Mem Mem32; instance Size Mem32 Bit32
data Mem16 = Mem16 Word32; instance Mem Mem16; instance Size Mem16 Bit16

-- Instructions

class Mov dest src where mov :: dest -> src -> AsmM

instance ( Size dest size
         , Size src  size
         , MovFormat dest src
         ) => Mov dest src
      mov d s = AsmM -- TODO: Not finished yet...

class MovFormat dest src

-- If I have more than one MovFormat instance than I get a
-- "Duplicate instance declaration" error:
instance (Reg dest, Reg src) => MovFormat dest src
instance (Reg dest, Mem src) => MovFormat dest src
instance (Mem dest, Reg src) => MovFormat dest src
instance (Mem dest, Imm src) => MovFormat dest src
instance (Reg dest, Imm src) => MovFormat dest src

-- Tests

valid1 = mov EAX EBX
valid2 = mov  BX  DX
valid3 = mov  AH  AL

-- invalid1 = mov EAX BX -- Couldn't match expected type `Bit16'
against inferred type `Bit32'
-- invalid2 = mov EAX (Mem32 0) --  No instance for (Reg Mem32)


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