[Haskell-cafe] Re: Random matrices

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Mon Aug 22 02:50:45 EDT 2005

[Moved to haskell-cafe@]

> Thanks, Don. I need some time to take a closer look at this. I'm
> trying to see, what is it about the code you posted that makes it so
> much more efficient? Is it the loop in the IO monad is compiled into
> an honest-to-goodness loop? Is this specific to IO, or does it work
> out this way for monads in general? Or maybe some gains were made by
> switching from using StdGen with a specified seed to using the
> OS-supplied random number generator?
> -Chad

Ok, lets try to work this out a bit more closely, rather than just
throwing IO at it. The code that produces the following profiles is
attached at the end.

        total time  =        0.28 secs   (14 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =  42,614,556 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        randomEntry                    Main                  71.4   78.0
        randomArray                    Main                  21.4   19.6
        tester                         Main                   7.1    2.3

Add cost centers to each line of randomEntry:
        total time  =        0.46 secs   (23 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =  49,301,332 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        randomEntry                    Main                  87.0   71.2
        randomArray                    Main                  13.0   16.9
        tester                         Main                   0.0    2.0
        4                              Main                   0.0    3.2
        3                              Main                   0.0    3.2
        1                              Main                   0.0    3.2

Hmm. Lets try to force the value returned from randomEntry:
        total time  =        0.14 secs   (7 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =  17,691,948 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        randomEntry                    Main                  85.7   79.4
        randomArray                    Main                  14.3   12.1
        tester                         Main                   0.0    5.7
        1                              Main                   0.0    2.6

Hmm. Some progress, but not clear what to do next. Now, lets try that loop:
        total time  =        0.10 secs   (5 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =  17,722,552 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        randomEntry                    Main                 100.0   79.2
        tester                         Main                   0.0    5.6
        randomArray                    Main                   0.0   12.3
        1                              Main                   0.0    2.6

randomArray is a little faster, but still randomEntry is costing us.
Ok, lets see what happens if we switch to using the global stdgen
instead of threading our own:
        total time  =        0.00 secs   (0 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =     137,544 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        CAF                            System.Random          0.0    1.8
        CAF                            GHC.Handle             0.0    1.1
        CAF                            GHC.Float              0.0   36.3
        randomEntry                    Main                   0.0   26.4

Bang! So I think our problem is a space leak in the monad state. 
Just to check, lets get rid of the explicit loop:
        total time  =        0.00 secs   (0 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =     139,340 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        CAF                            System.Random          0.0    1.8
        CAF                            GHC.Handle             0.0    1.0
        CAF                            GHC.Float              0.0   35.8
        randomEntry                    Main                   0.0   26.0
        randomArray                    Main                   0.0    3.7
        main                           Main                   0.0    1.0
        CAF                            Main                   0.0   30.0

Ok, so it wasn't the loop.

Lets try to squish this monad state a bit better - it's getting
allocated a lot. How about we put the StdGen in a strict field of a data
        data S = S !StdGen

        randomEntry :: State S Float
        randomEntry = do (S g)   <- get
                         (x, g') <- return $ randomR (0,1) g
                         put (S g')
                         return x

        total time  =        0.10 secs   (5 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =  15,536,944 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        randomArray                    Main                  80.0   76.9
        1                              Main                  20.0   16.6
        tester                         Main                   0.0    6.4

Just taking the original code and wrapping the state in the S
constructor more than halves the memory consumption (compared to the
original code), but doesn't squish the space leak .. lots of S's are
getting allocated.

How about we stick the StdGen in an STRef inside the ST monad (basically
like the stdGen IORef, but not in IO):
        total time  =        0.00 secs   (0 ticks @ 20 ms)
        total alloc =     160,760 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
        CAF                            System.Random          0.0    1.5
        CAF                            GHC.Float              0.0   31.1
        tester                         Main                   0.0    2.3
        randomEntry                    Main                   0.0   33.3
        randomArray                    Main                   0.0    4.1
        CAF                            Main                   0.0   25.7

Ah ha. That'll do.
Lesson: avoid hidden space leaks in monads.

-- Don

Here's the final ST code:


    import Control.Monad.ST
    import System.Random
    import Data.Array.Diff
    import Data.Array.Unboxed
    import Data.STRef
    import Control.Monad

    type Vector = UArray Int Float
    type Matrix = DiffArray Int Vector

    randomEntry :: STRef s StdGen -> ST s Float
    randomEntry r = do
        g <- readSTRef r
        (x, g') <- return $ randomR (0,1) g
        writeSTRef r g'
        return x

    randomArray :: (IArray arr a, Monad m) => Int -> m a -> m (arr Int a)
    randomArray n x = sequence (replicate n x) >>= return . listArray (1,n)

    tester :: Int -> [Matrix]
    tester n = runST (do
        ref <- newSTRef (mkStdGen 1)
        let randomMatrix i j = randomArray i $ randomVector j
            randomVector n   = randomArray n (randomEntry ref)
        liftM repeat $ randomMatrix n n)

    main :: IO ()
    main = print $ ((tester 10) !! 10000) ! 5

And here's some of the other versions of the code, if you're interested,
to see how I was thinking.


    -- Generate a random number from the unit interval
    -- randomEntry :: State S Float
    -- randomEntry :: IO Float
    randomEntry = do (S g)   <- {-# SCC "1" #-} get
                     (x, g') <- {-# SCC "2" #-} return $ randomR (0,1) g
                     {-# SCC "3" #-} put (S g')
                     {-# SCC "4" #-} return x
    randomEntry = getStdRandom (randomR (0,1))

    -- Build an array of n random things
    -- randomArray :: (IArray arr a) => Int -> State StdGen a -> State StdGen (arr Int a)
    -- randomArray :: (IArray arr a) => Int -> State S a -> State S (arr Int a)
    randomArray n x = mapState arr . sequence $ replicate n x
        arr (a,s) = (array (1,n) $ zip [1..n] a, s)

    randomArray n x = do
            let loop i | i == 0    = return []
                       | otherwise = do f  <- {-# SCC "a1" #-} x
                                        fs <- {-# SCC "a3" #-} loop (i-1)
                                        {-# SCC "a3" #-} return (f : fs)
            fs <- {-# SCC "a4" #-} loop n
            {-# SCC "a5" #-} return $ listArray (1,n) fs

    randomArray n x = do
        fs <- sequence (replicate n x)
        return $ listArray (1,n) fs

    -- A random vector is an array of random entries
    -- randomVector :: Int -> IO Vector
    -- randomVector :: Int -> State StdGen Vector
    -- randomVector :: Int -> State S Vector
    randomVector n = randomArray n randomEntry

    -- a random matrix is an array of random vectors.
    -- randomMatrix :: Int -> Int -> State StdGen Matrix
    -- randomMatrix :: Int -> Int -> IO Matrix
    randomMatrix i j r = randomArray i $ randomVector j

    tester n = fst $ runState vals $ S (mkStdGen 1)
        vals = sequence . repeat $ randomMatrix n n

    tester n = unsafePerformIO $ do 
                    setStdGen (mkStdGen 1)
                    liftM repeat $ randomMatrix n n

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donald Bruce Stewart [mailto:dons at cse.unsw.edu.au]
> Sent: Fri 8/19/2005 7:42 PM
> To: Scherrer, Chad
> Cc: haskell at haskell.org
> Subject: Re: [Haskell] Random matrices
> Chad.Scherrer:
> > 
> >    I'm doing some statistical calculations, and I decided to
> >    try this out in Haskell to see how it goes. I'm really
> >    enjoying using the language, so I hope I can straighten this
> >    out so I can keep using it at work.
> > 
> >    I keep getting stack overflows, so I think my code must be
> >    too lazy somewhere (that's what that means, right?) Here is
> >    my code to build random vectors and matrices.
> I was suspicious about all those zips and repeats, so did a bit of
> profiling. This only revealed that the creation of random floats was
> chewing up about 70% of time and space. Still suspicious of that
> replicate code, I decided to rewrite it as a loop (I moved the code
> into the IO monad just because it is easier to hack in IO). This fixed the
> issue.
> -- Don
> Before:
>     paprika$ ghc -package mtl -O -prof -auto-all N.hs
>     paprika$ ./a.out +RTS -p
>     Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
>     Use `+RTS -Ksize' to increase it.
>             total time  =        0.16 secs   (8 ticks @ 20 ms)
>             total alloc =  42,614,984 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
>     COST CENTRE                    MODULE               %time %alloc
>     randomEntry                    Main                  50.0   78.0
>     randomArray                    Main                  50.0   19.6
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> After:
>     paprika$ ghc -O -prof -auto-all M.hs 
>     paprika$ ./a.out +RTS -p
>     array (1,10) [(1,0.73394084),(2,0.39095977),(3,0.18828022),(4,0.19094983),(5,0.83119744),(6,0.3594179),(7,0.43519533),(8,0.39867708),(9,0.15676379),(10,0.4503187)]
>             total time  =        0.00 secs   (0 ticks @ 20 ms)
>             total alloc =     141,368 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
>     COST CENTRE                    MODULE               %time %alloc
>     CAF                            System.Random          0.0    5.6
>     CAF                            GHC.Handle             0.0    1.0
>     CAF                            GHC.Float              0.0   35.2
>     randomEntry                    Main                   0.0   25.7
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     import Data.Array.Unboxed
>     import Data.Array.Diff
>     import System.Random
>     import Control.Monad
>     type Vector = UArray Int Float
>     type Matrix = DiffArray Int Vector
>     -- Generate a random number from the unit interval
>     randomEntry :: IO Float
>     randomEntry = getStdRandom (randomR (0,1))
>     -- Build an array of n random things
>     randomArray :: (IArray arr a) => Int -> IO a -> IO (arr Int a)
>     randomArray n x = do
>             let loop i | i == 0    = return []
>                        | otherwise = do f  <- x
>                                         fs <- loop (i-1)
>                                         return (f : fs)
>             fs <- loop n
>             return $ listArray (1,n) fs
>     -- A random vector is an array of random entries
>     randomVector :: Int -> IO Vector
>     randomVector n = randomArray n randomEntry
>     -- a random matrix is an array of random vectors.
>     randomMatrix :: Int -> Int -> IO Matrix
>     randomMatrix i j = randomArray i (randomVector j)
>     tester :: Int -> IO [Matrix]
>     tester n = liftM repeat $ randomMatrix n n
>     main :: IO ()
>     main = tester 10 >>= \as -> print $ (as !! 10000) ! 5
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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