Language extension idea (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: OCaml list sees...)

Jon Fairbairn Jon.Fairbairn at
Tue Oct 12 12:17:34 EDT 2004

On 2004-10-10 at 11:20BST Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> As an example, instead of the following list-only code,
>     f :: List a -> ...
>     f []    = ...
>     f (h:t) = ...
> you could write this more general version, which assumes only some
> class Sequence with operations null, head, tail, etc.
>     f :: Sequence s => s a -> ...
>     f list | null list                       = ...
>            | h <- head list, t <- tail list  = ...
> Although slightly more verbose, it still achieves something like the
> clarity of pattern-matching.

Here's my take on this:

> module SQC where
> import Array

Split the reading from the writing, and allow the avoidance
of head and tail wherever possible:

> class Sequential f where
>       examine :: f a -> Maybe (a, f a)

the next three aren't really necessary

>       first :: f a -> a
>       rest :: f a -> f a
>       isEmpty:: f a -> Bool

The default method for first and rest typify the usage.  I
think this is slightly prettier than using head and tail:

>       first l | Nothing <- e = error "ugh"
>               | Just (hd, tl) <- e = hd
>               where e = examine l 

>       rest  l | Nothing <- e = error "agh"
>               | Just (hd, tl) <- e = tl
>               where e = examine l
>       isEmpty l | Nothing <- examine l = True
>                 | otherwise = False

> class Sequential s => 
>       Sequence s where
>       cons :: a -> s a -> s a
>       nils :: s a

With the reading and "writing" separated, we can do things
like map and filter without requiring the thing being read
from to have all the properties of a list:

> mapS:: (Sequential s, Sequence t) => (a -> b) -> s a -> t b
> mapS f l | Nothing <- e = nils
>          | Just (h, t) <- e = cons (f h) (mapS f t)
>          where e = examine l

> filterS:: (Sequential s, Sequence t) => (a -> Bool) -> s a -> t a
> filterS p l | Nothing <- e = nils
>             | Just (h, t) <- e, p h = cons h (filterS p t)
>             | Just (h, t) <- e = filterS p t
>             where e = examine l

The instances for [] are straightforward

> instance Sequential [] where
>     first = head
>     rest = tail
>     examine [] = Nothing
>     examine (a:b) = Just (a,b)

> instance Sequence [] where
>     cons = (:)
>     nils = []

Actually, in Ponder, the list type was just a (recursive)
synonym for something similar to List t = Maybe (t, List t),
so examine would just have been the identity -- which
suggests that this ought to be cheap to implement.

We can give a read-only instance for (part of) an array:

> data ArrayTail i e = AT i (Array i e) deriving Show

> instance (Enum i, Ix i) => Sequential (ArrayTail i)
>     where examine (AT i a) | inRange (bounds a) i = Just (a!i, AT (succ i) a)
>                            | otherwise = Nothing

so that 

filterS ((==0).(`rem`2)) (AT 1 (array (1,10) ([1..10]`zip`[20..30])))::[Int]
=> [20,22,24,26,28]

which might be handy for selecting stuff from an array
represented sequence without having to build an array for
the result.


Jón Fairbairn                                 Jon.Fairbairn at

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