[Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

Thomas Johnsson thomas at skri.net
Wed Dec 15 10:45:33 EST 2004

>> > printastable :: [([Int],Word)] -> String
>> >
>> > printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) -> (show xs) ++ " " ++ w ++
>> > "\n") l
>> I'd use
>> [ c | (xs,w) <- l, c <- (show xs) ++ " " ++ w ++ "\n" ]
>> instead -- after all, list comprehensions provide a much nicer
>> syntax for map, filter and concat.
> I try to stay away from list comprehension because I can't memorize in
> which order the conditions are processed and I have to introduce new
> variables. [..]

I find it helpful to compare list comprehensions to nested loops & ifs
in imperative languages, so that eg

   [ E | v1 <- E1, pred2, v3 <- E3 ]

'does the same thing as'

   for( v1 <- E1 ){
      if( pred2 ){
         for( v3 <- E3){
            put-elem-in-resulting-list( E )

-- Thomas

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