do let in

Hal Daume III hdaume@ISI.EDU
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 20:03:44 -0800 (PST)

in 'do' notation, 'let' doesn't take an in.  so you want to get rid of the
'in' on the third to last line.

> main =
>      do
>         args <- System.getArgs
>         let (m, b) = (read (args!!0), read (args!!1))
>         let lim :: Int
>             lim = read (args!!2)
>             printstate = args!!3
>         time1 <- getClockTime
>         let n = 2^b
>         let afact = array (0,n) ((0,1):[(i,i*afact!(i-1)) | i<-[1..n]]) in
>         let (glo, ghi) = gamma_tup lim m b 
>         time2 <- getClockTime
> gives the Hugs error
> ERROR "gamma3_7.hs":141 - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `;', possibly
> due to bad layout)
> I tried indenting the last two lines, or just the penulatimate line, but no
> joy.  I've modified my functions to use afact instead of fact, but I'm hoping
> to have it exist as a global for them, rather than modifying all the function
> signatures to pass afact down the chain.
> Help, please?
> -xx- Damien X-) 
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