A question about dynamic typing

Nick Name nick.name@inwind.it
Thu, 23 Jan 2003 21:31:47 +0100

On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 16:02:41 -0600
Jon Cast <jcast@ou.edu> wrote:

> > But, to fully exploit the power of a "functionally-programmed"
>  > desktop, the interface should allow the user to map an operation
>  > onto all the objects of the panel; in this case the allowed
>  > operations should be those that all the object share.
>  This is fairly easy if you name the operations; then you can use that
>  to compute the intersection of the operations for all the types.  If
>  you don't name the operations, then of course the problem becomes
>  undecidable.

Another idea: if I allow the list of objects in the panel to be
infinite, obviously the set of allowed operations in a map is the set of
operations on "objects". But if I filter an infinite list of objects to
all the objects of a certain type, I wish to see all the operations on
that type in the possibilities for a map.

How would you deal with such a case?
