Solaris x86 package

Georg Sauthoff gsauthof at TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
Tue Jun 13 13:18:20 EDT 2006

On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 09:58:37AM +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:


> Georg Sauthoff wrote:
> >I tried 6.4 cvs from 20060607 at Solaris 10 x86 and have no
> >problems with a threaded rts here (did a stage3 build to test
> >it).

> good. The results of "gmake" in testsuite/tests/ghc-regress might be 

I am afraid the stage3 build wasn't enough :(. I did some more testing
with that ghc build. I built a middle sized Haskell project with it,
which worked. A colleaque did this test again, which worked, too. Then
he build another Haskell package, which failed (ghc segfaults). After
this the previous project failed, too. I tried it again and it worked.
After a break I built the project again - and it failed (everytime

Thus I guess that I have problems with the threaded rts (which are more
difficult too reproduce, than the previous ones).

Ah, and ghci segfaults every time - I didn't test ghci before.

I will try a non-threaded version and threaded with debug enabled.

BTW, what are the disadvantages of a non-threaded rts?

> interesting, too. My last result with the unthreaded (sparc) version 
> yielded the following problems:
I will try it.

> >I tried that package at a sparc Solaris 8 mashine. The problem
> >here is, that some shared libs are not available:

> ># ldd /var/tmp/gsauthof/ghc-6.4.2-20060529/lib/ghc-6.4.2/ghc-6.4.2
> > =>      (file not found)
> > =>       (file not found)
> > =>    /usr/lib/
> > =>     (file not found)
> > =>   (file not found)
> > =>     /usr/lib/
> >        /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000/lib/

> >Because of the missing - did you build it at
> >Solaris > 8?
> I've built under Solaris 10. (Maybe older version of readline and 
> ncurses would work, too.)

The only 'real' problem is (Solaris 8 has - I

> Surely, you may try to build a sparc binary distribution as well

Yes, I will try it after I finished the Solaris x86 stuff. At the
solaris/sparc mashines, there is a ghc 6.2 available - but I get
'gcc notes' like described in this mail:
(note: if this code is reached, the program will aborted)

So I will start with the binary 6.4.1 from and get the
right readline/gmp libs.

Georg Sauthoff
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