ANNOUNCE: GHC survey results

Dinko Tenev dinko.tenev at
Tue Jun 28 11:51:13 EDT 2005

On 6/28/05, Jim Apple <japple at> wrote:
> >  Some people would like features removed (implicit parameters was mentioned a couple of times). Linear implicit parameters is a clear candidate for removal.
> I don't understand the motivation for this. Implicit parameters do weird
> things with the monomorphism restriction, but when I'm worried about
> that, I choose not to use them together.
> Why remove a feature from a product? Why not, instead, just choose to
> not use it?

It depends on what you mean by "using it," of course, but sometimes
that's not a matter of choice (e.g. when you're reading others' code.)


D. Tenev

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