[GHC] #9476: Implement late lambda-lifting

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Dec 4 17:07:19 UTC 2018

#9476: Implement late lambda-lifting
        Reporter:  simonpj           |                Owner:  sgraf
            Type:  feature request   |               Status:  closed
        Priority:  normal            |            Milestone:  8.8.1
       Component:  Compiler          |              Version:  7.8.2
      Resolution:  fixed             |             Keywords:  LateLamLift
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple  |         Architecture:
 Type of failure:  Runtime           |  Unknown/Multiple
  performance bug                    |            Test Case:
      Blocked By:                    |             Blocking:
 Related Tickets:  #8763 #13286      |  Differential Rev(s):  Phab:D5224
       Wiki Page:  LateLamLift       |

Comment (by sgraf):

 Replying to [comment:70 simonpj]:
 > * To do this, either we need to add a RTS flag or... doesn't it happen
 anyway when we have a very small nursery?  Each time the nursery runs out,
 we GC, and with -G1 that's a major GC.  What am I missing?

 Yes, doing `-G1` and varying the initial heap size with `-A$iM` was
 exactly what I have been doing to find out a close approximation of the
 maximum residency (the one of related to program semantics, not GC

 (Note that when a GC happens with `-G1`, the heap is resized to 2*bytes
 copied according to `-S`, so the 'nursery' grows in `-G1`. Also I don't
 think that we can vary GC frequency through an RTS flag, because to my
 knowledge, the decision when to GC is entirely made by the mutator)

 Example: Let's say I start with `-A40M` (always `-G1` from now on) and
 let's assume that the picture shows the actual heap profile (e.g., with
 maximum sampling frequency), where the points in time at which GC runs are
 indicated in red:

 [[Image(https://i.imgur.com/RpeuCXc.jpg, 400px)]]

 The maximum residency observed by GC is smaller than the actual maximum
 residency, which I call the maximum working set for the remainder of this
 post for disambiguation. How can we make the sampled maximum residency
 approximate the maximum working set? We can vary the GC frequency by
 setting the initial heap size to a different value. It turns out that
 within the integer range of 1 to 200, `-A56M` seems to be the candidate
 with the closest approximation (closest meaning it sampled the highest
 maximum residency):

 [[Image(https://i.imgur.com/BfvbKSl.jpg, 400px)]]

 In particular, we don't really care how often major GC happens, only that
 one major GC happens ''immediately before'' the working set collapses.

 The `-A56M` is highly specific to the program (in this case, `default`
 above) and doesn't really matter, it's just the parameterisation where the
 sampled maximum residency most closely approximates the actual maximum
 working set.

 It's similar to modular arithmetic, if that's of any help: Imagine you
 want to find a number below 20 with the closest multiple to 73 (prime),
 but not larger than that. There's 8*9=72 or 6*12 or 4*18, etc. It doesn't
 really matter which factor you choose, point is that you get close to 73.

 The specific parameterisation for `allow-cg` to approximate its maximum
 working set was `-A76M -G1`, but it doesn't matter; what matters is that
 the sampled maximum residency for `default` was lower than `allow-cg` (192
 vs. 196MB), so everything as expected.

 > Then I believe you are saying "Ignoring closure growth has no effect on
 residency".  Is that right?

 Well, it's hard to tell how close those samples are to the actual maximum
 working set, but under the assumption that they are close enough, I'd say
 that ignoring closure growth indeed leads to a bigger working set in this
 case (as to be expected), although it doesn't really manifest itself in
 the majority of GC parameterisations I sampled (cf. the second-to-last
 paragraph in comment:65).

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9476#comment:71>
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