[GHC] #9590: AMP breaks `haskell2010` package

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Sep 30 20:55:57 UTC 2014

#9590: AMP breaks `haskell2010` package
              Reporter:  hvr         |            Owner:
                  Type:  bug         |           Status:  new
              Priority:  high        |        Milestone:  7.10.1
             Component:              |          Version:  7.9
  libraries/haskell2010              |         Keywords:  AMP
            Resolution:              |     Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
      Operating System:              |       Difficulty:  Unknown
  Unknown/Multiple                   |       Blocked By:
       Type of failure:  GHC         |  Related Tickets:
  rejects valid program              |
             Test Case:              |
              Blocking:              |
Differential Revisions:              |

Comment (by singpolyma):

 >  Or is it users who don't want to let a GHC monoculture set the standard
 and would prefer to work with a smaller subset of the language, but still
 want to have access to the ecosystem of packages through cabal? Folks who
 may have other compilers in mind, who would prefer to implement against a
 standard or at least have the ability to have their code compile against a
 compiler that implements the standard.

 This is me.  My primary use of the haskell2010 package is to test my code
 against it, as well as base, in order to check that it is more likely to
 work on a standards-conformant Haskell implementation.

 To that end, I would prefer it if haskell2010 were basically just
 cut-n-paste the code from the report and be done with it.  This would mean
 a different Monad instance, which I gather might cause some complexity for
 `do` notation (though will it really? GHC already has rebindable do, it
 seems like this would just be a special case of that).

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9590#comment:6>
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