[GHC] #9646: Simplifer non-determinism leading to 8 fold difference in run time performance

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Oct 1 10:29:49 UTC 2014

#9646: Simplifer non-determinism leading to 8 fold difference in run time
              Reporter:  erikd       |            Owner:
                  Type:  bug         |           Status:  new
              Priority:  normal      |        Milestone:
             Component:  Compiler    |          Version:  7.8.3
            Resolution:              |         Keywords:
      Operating System:  Linux       |     Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)
       Type of failure:  Runtime     |       Difficulty:  Unknown
  performance bug                    |       Blocked By:
             Test Case:              |  Related Tickets:
              Blocking:              |
Differential Revisions:              |
Description changed by erikd:

Old description:

> I've been chasing a weird performance bug for about a week now. I've
> reduced the testcase to the following git repo:
>     https://github.com/erikd/ghc-perfbug-test
> The Readme.md file in that repo contains an explanation of how to
> reproduce the issue.
> The benchmark program in the repo uses Criterion to test the performance
> of one particular function. Running the program in a particular way
> results into two significanlty different results.
> The commands are:
> {{{
> make clean bench-integer.html
> cp -f bench-integer.html bench-integer-slow.html
> touch New3/GHC/Integer/Natural.hs && make bench-integer.html
> }}}
> The results for one function in the file `New3/GHC/Integer/Natural.hs` is
> 8 times slower in the first test that the second while the other test
> function always executes at about the speed.
> I haven't been able to test this with ghc-7.6.3 because the code uses
> `isTrue#` which isn't available in 7.6.3.

New description:

 I've been chasing a weird performance bug for about a week now. I've
 reduced the testcase to the following git repo:


 The Readme.md file in that repo contains an explanation of how to
 reproduce the issue.

 The benchmark program in the repo uses Criterion to test the performance
 of one particular function. Running the program in a particular way
 results into two significanlty different results.

 The commands are:

 make clean bench-integer.html
 cp -f bench-integer.html bench-integer-slow.html
 touch New3/GHC/Integer/Natural.hs && make bench-integer.html

 The results for one function in the file `New3/GHC/Integer/Natural.hs` is
 8 times slower in the first test that the second while the other test
 function always executes at about the speed.

 I haven't been able to test this with ghc-7.6.3 because the code uses
 `isTrue#` which isn't available in 7.6.3.

 Updated explanation:

 Compiling the whole project results in the function under test running 4
 times slower than the comparison. Touching the file containing the
 function under test and rebuilding the benchmark program results in the
 function under test runing 2 times faster than the comparison function.

 Dumping intermediate files showed that the output of the simplifier was
 different enough to create this 8 fold difference in performance.

 The simplifier should be deterministic. Same input file should result in
 the same simplifier output, preferably the output that results in 8 fold
 better performance.


Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9646#comment:8>
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