[GHC] #8407: Module re-exports at the package level

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Jul 4 15:15:15 UTC 2014

#8407: Module re-exports at the package level
        Reporter:  nomeata           |            Owner:  ezyang
            Type:  feature request   |           Status:  new
        Priority:  normal            |        Milestone:
       Component:  Package system    |          Version:  7.6.3
      Resolution:                    |         Keywords:  backpack
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
 Type of failure:  None/Unknown      |       Difficulty:  Unknown
       Test Case:                    |       Blocked By:
        Blocking:                    |  Related Tickets:

Comment (by ezyang):

 Here is an annoying problem for implementing this functionality.

 Module reexports should roughly be analogous to how we deal with
 type/declaration reexports at the Haskell source level. To briefly
 overview how that mechanism works, we have a phase of compilation called
 "renaming", which takes all identifiers and figures out what true names
 they refer to. This is done by consulting the hi files associated with
 imported modules, which record the original name of any identifiers they

 By analogy, the installed package information file is like an "hi" file,
 and we would like it to store a pointer to the original name of the module
 (in this case, the InstalledPackageId and original module name, if
 renaming is allowed.)

 However, there is trouble in paradise. Entries in the InstalledPackageDb
 are created by the Cabal library; however, the Cabal library has no
 knowledge about module resolution (it only looks at the dependencies to do
 dependency resolution): all of this logic is in GHC proper (Packages and
 Finder). So at the time Cabal is writing the installed package info, it
 would need to consult GHC in order to figure out where modules actually
 came from! This seems like a design smell.

 The alternative is to do module resolution in GHC. Here, we augment the
 creation of our module map (when processing `-package` flags) so that when
 we see a reexport, we consult the existing map and insert a pointer to
 precisely the original import. If the packages are passed to us in
 topologically sorted order (which Cabal seems to do today), then we only
 pay the cost of a single map lookup for every reexported module we
 encounter. The downside is that this mechanism is now no longer symmetric
 with original names.

 It's not really clear which one is better.

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8407#comment:7>
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