[ghc-steering-committee] GHC proposal #5

David Feuer david.feuer at gmail.com
Thu May 25 05:27:42 UTC 2017

GHC proposal  #5 [*], which I drafted, was recently merged. I was
asked to modify the proposal to restrict the type signatures of
patterns and builders to be the same, except for their contexts. I
would like to make one last plea to remove this restriction, unless
there are fundamental reasons it cannot be done. The reasons are as

1. Despite the restriction, it remains possible, at least in many
cases, to achieve exactly the same effect, albeit in a manner that is
considerably more difficult to read. For example, one could write the
following (ill-advised) pattern:

pattern Ha :: a ~ Int => Word -> a
pattern Ha x <- (fromIntegral -> x)
    Ha :: a ~ (Word -> Word) => Word -> a
    Ha x = (x +)

which, after more thinking than one might wish to apply, turns out to mean

pattern Ha :: Word -> Int
pattern Ha x <- (fromIntegral -> x)
    Ha :: Word -> Word -> Word
    Ha x = (x +)

2. It would be *extremely unpleasant* to make this trick work with
RankNTypes, where such mismatched signatures seem likely to have the
most practical value. For example, suppose I want to write

import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Reified

pattern Package :: Lens s t a b -> ReifiedLens s t a b
pattern Package f <- Lens f
    Package :: ALens s t a b -> ReifiedLens s t a b
    Package f = Lens $ cloneLens f

This convenience pattern would pack up an ALens into a ReifiedLens;
when unpacked, I'd get back a full Lens (The type Lens s t a b
subsumes the type ALens s t a b). Without being able to use those
different type signatures, I'd have to write something like this

import Control.Lens.Internal.Context -- additionally

pattern Package :: c ~ Functor
               => (forall f. c f => LensLike f s t a b)
               -> ReifiedLens s t a b
pattern Package f <- Lens f
    Package :: c ~ ((~) (Pretext (->) a b))
           => (forall f. c f => LensLike f s t a b)
           -> ReifiedLens s t a b
    Package f = Lens $ cloneLens f

I pity the poor soul who has to try to reverse engineer what those
signatures are supposed to mean!

While it's certainly possible to implement the restricted version now
and expand it later, that would add *yet another* PatternSynonyms
change for users to hack around with CPP. I hope you'll reconsider
that decision in light of these examples.

Thank you for your time,
David Feuer

[*] https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0005-bidir-constr-sigs.rst

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