<div dir="ltr"><div>Count me among the people who are eagerly awaiting this move. If I understood Ben correctly when discussing this idea with him on #ghc, then one of the benefits of having head.hackage on GitLab would be that the head.hackage index would automatically regenerate any time a commit lands. This would make things far more streamlined than the status quo, where the index has to be regenerated by hand.</div><div><br></div><div>If head.hackage is migrated over to GitLab, would that change how people are expected to use it? That is, would it still be as simple as copying the repository stanza from [1] into one's cabal.project file? Or would that change with a move to GitLab?<br></div><div><br></div><div>Ryan S.</div><div>-----</div><div>[1] <a href="http://head.hackage.haskell.org/">http://head.hackage.haskell.org/</a></div></div>