GHC proposals not rendering

Adam Gundry adam at
Mon Jan 22 08:16:13 UTC 2024

I suspect this is a regression specific to reStructuredText rendering, 
but it's affecting a few different repositories [1] so hopefully Github 
will fix it at some point.

In the meantime, for accepted proposals one can use

which Joachim set up some time ago [2]. I'm not sure how frequently it 
is updated, as it doesn't have the GHC2024 proposal listed. And it 
sometimes tries to redirect to which 
apparently doesn't exist. Joachim, do you know the status of this?

(Of course, this doesn't help for rendering proposals that have not yet 
been accepted.)




On 19/01/2024 19:06, Ben Gamari wrote:
> Simon Peyton Jones <simon.peytonjones at> writes:
>> Maybe there's a config parameter that can be changed?  It's extremely
>> annoying, and a definite regression.  Is there anyone at Github we can ask?
> If the problem is size then I rather doubt that there is anything that
> we can do about this beyond open a ticket and hope that someone notices.
> Indeed this sort of issue is why I have in the past been rather
> skeptical of relying on external services to host GHC's development. You
> can only expect to get the service that you pay for; in this case, that
> is nothing :)
> However, I am a bit curious as to why Rust's RFCs process has never run
> into this limitation. Perhaps it only affects RestructuredText?
> Cheers,
> - Ben

Adam Gundry, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

Registered in England & Wales, OC335890
27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX, England

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