[Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] GHC 9.8.1-alpha4 is now available

Ben Gamari ben at well-typed.com
Sat Sep 23 00:33:58 UTC 2023

George Colpitts <george.colpitts at gmail.com> writes:

> It seems unlikely that the current tests wouldn't find this bug. Is it the
> case that the tests are never run on aarch64-darwin Macs?
The tests are certainly run; see, for instance, the 9.8.1-alpha4 release
pipeline [1].

The problem is that #21570 requires very particular (mis)configuration
of the host toolchain (e.g. Richard had multiple, incompatible
toolchains in PATH). We can usually side-step this sort of
misconfiguration by disabling the `configure` script's ld-override
logic, since we using anything but Apple's linker is generally a bad
idea on Darwin. This measure (!8437) is present in the 9.8 branch so I can only
guess that something else is wrong.

Perhaps you could open a ticket and attach config.log?


- Ben

[1]: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/jobs/1668689
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