GHC 8.2.1 status

Ben Gamari ben at
Fri Feb 17 03:23:43 UTC 2017

Hello everyone,

It has been a bit over a week since the last update regarding 8.2.1. At
the moment we are on the final stretch leading up cutting the branch.
Over the last week I have been cleaning up a variety of odds and ends
around the tree, bumping core libraries, merging some last patches,
smoke testing, and putting the final touches on the Typeable branch
which will be merged shortly.

However, during testing against Hackage I found a regression (#13255)
due to the recent join-points merge that needs to be addressed before we
can consider cutting a release candidate. This will likely be resolved
soon, which should allow us to release a source release by mid-to-late
next week (assuming no further regressions are found).


- Ben
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