GitHub pull requests

Andreas Abel abela at
Sun Oct 5 08:21:15 UTC 2014

On 05.10.2014 07:03, Ben Gamari wrote:
> and yet aren't willing to take the five (twenty?) minutes to familiarize
> themselves with Phabricator and the arc toolchain.

Are you serious about this?  I think your time estimate is a grand 
illusion.  I attended Joachim Breitner's talk about Phabricator at the 
GHC developer meeting, that already  (nearly?) used up the twenty 
minutes you allow.  Yet I still have to

* try it the first time,
* make sure I get everything right,
* learn to *trust* the tool
   * that is does the right thing,
   * does not do anything bad to my files
   * etc. pp.

The brightest might be up to get on track in a couple of hours, but the 
majority is quite hesitant towards new tools...

Human condition.


Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers and Gothenburg University, Sweden

andreas.abel at

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