[GHC DevOps Group] The future of Phabricator

Boespflug, Mathieu m at tweag.io
Mon Nov 5 11:30:12 UTC 2018

So IIUC Gitlab features:

- Good multi-platform *hosted* CI or at least workable integration
with other (existing) CI solutions
- Hosted review tool that we don't have to maintain ourselves (though
a little bit less good than Phabricator, allegedly)
- familiar GitHub-like workflow with no requirement to install extra
software locally
- Reuse of GitHub credentials
- Realistic path forward for migrating tickets from Trac

This combination sounds pretty good to me!


Mathieu Boespflug
Founder at http://tweag.io.

On Sun, 4 Nov 2018 at 16:27, Manuel M T Chakravarty
<chak at justtesting.org> wrote:
> > Am 30.10.2018 um 10:07 schrieb Simon Marlow <marlowsd at gmail.com>:
> >
> > I'm entirely happy to move, provided (1) whatever we move to provides the functionality we need, and (2) it's clearly what the community wants (considering both current and future contributors). In the past when moving to GitHub was brought up, there were a handful of core contributors who argued strongly in favour of Phabricator, do we think that's changed? Do we have any indication of whether the survey respondents who were anti-Phabricator would be pro- or anti-GitLab?
> FWIW, while I still think GitHub is preferable, GitLab would be an improvement over Phabricator IMHO.
> Cheers,
> Manuel
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