[GHC DevOps Group] CircleCI job accounting question

Manuel M T Chakravarty manuel.chakravarty at tweag.io
Wed Nov 22 14:02:32 UTC 2017

> Ben Gamari <ben at well-typed.com>:
> Manuel M T Chakravarty <manuel.chakravarty at tweag.io> writes:
>> Mateusz had a first stab
>>  https://github.com/tweag/ghc/blob/tweag/circleci-macos/appveyor.yml <https://github.com/tweag/ghc/blob/tweag/circleci-macos/appveyor.yml>
>> but got stuck in the default resource limits. We emailed them with a
>> request, but there was no answer so far. I’ll follow up on it.
> Any update on this? For the record, I have confirmed with the Rustaceans
> that Mozilla indeed pays for their usage.

No, sorry, I have been completely taken out with travelling and conference for the last week. (Just arrived in the Netherlands.)

> In other news,
> * I have disabled artifact collection in the OS X build for now.

Ok. (From the ticket, I saw that the CircleCI people seem to be actively looking into this.)

> * It appears that CircleCI only builds the head commits of pushes.
>   Making this configurable has been a feature request for nearly a year
>   now, so it looks like we will need to work around this. I briefly
>   looked into setting up some automation to trigger builds on otherwise
>   untested commits, but ran into apparent API bugginess. It looks like
>   we'll just need to ensure that contributors push at most one commit
>   at a time for now to ensure all commits get testing. See GHC #14505
>   for details.

Why do we need the intermediate builds exactly? Wouldn’t they usually fail? (When I do PRs with multiple commits, the state of the tree between this commits will usually not be well-defined.)

> * I have tried enabling testing of Harbormaster Differentials via
>   CircleCI. Unfortunately it appears that CircleCI only supports
>   testing repositories hosted on GitHub. There are a few ways in which
>   we could proceed,
>    a. Move ghc's staging area (the repository where Arcanist pushes
>       patches submitted with `arc diff`) to GitHub. This, however, would
>       require that we manually manage push privileges to this repository.

What do you mean by manually manage push privileges? In what way is that not manually at the moment?

>    b. Try to work around the issue by mirroring GHC's staging area to
>       GitHub and manually trigger CircleCI builds.

Is the manual triggering necessary, because Harbormaster would need to wait until the repo is triggered (which it can’t)?

> * I have been honing the Hadrian test infrastructure; I'm currently
>   waiting on a build, but I expect this attempt will pass, at which point
>   I will merge it.



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