[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/toolchain-selection] 2 commits: Re-introduce flags in hadrian config

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon May 8 12:59:35 UTC 2023

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/toolchain-selection at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

db50d45e by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2023-05-08T13:31:08+01:00
Re-introduce flags in hadrian config

- - - - -
c8a95b77 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2023-05-08T13:59:30+01:00

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- hadrian/bindist/config.mk.in
- hadrian/cfg/system.config.in
- hadrian/src/Builder.hs
- utils/ghc-toolchain/src/GHC/Toolchain/Target.hs


@@ -234,16 +234,28 @@ GhcRtsWithLibdw=$(strip $(if $(filter $(TargetArch_CPP),i386 x86_64 s390x), at UseL
 # might become redundant.
 # See Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows]
+GccExtraViaCOpts = @GccExtraViaCOpts@
 LdHasFilelist = @LdHasFilelist@
 LdSupportsResponseFiles = @LdSupportsResponseFiles@
 LdHasBuildId = @LdHasBuildId@
 LdHasFilelist = @LdHasFilelist@
 LdIsGNULd = @LdIsGNULd@
 LdHasNoCompactUnwind = @LdHasNoCompactUnwind@
+ArArgs = @ArArgs@
+ArSupportsAtFile = @ArSupportsAtFile@
+ArSupportsDashL  = @ArSupportsDashL@
 HaskellHostOs = @HaskellHostOs@
 HaskellHostArch = @HaskellHostArch@
+HaskellTargetOs = @HaskellTargetOs@
+HaskellTargetArch = @HaskellTargetArch@
+TargetWordSize = @TargetWordSize@
+TargetWordBigEndian = @TargetWordBigEndian@
+TargetHasGnuNonexecStack = @TargetHasGnuNonexecStack@
+TargetHasIdentDirective = @TargetHasIdentDirective@
+TargetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols = @TargetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols@
 TargetHasRTSLinker = @TargetHasRTSLinker@
 TargetHasLibm = @TargetHasLibm@
+TablesNextToCode = @TablesNextToCode@
 SettingsCCompilerCommand = @SettingsCCompilerCommand@
 SettingsCxxCompilerCommand = @SettingsCxxCompilerCommand@

@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ python         = @PythonCmd@
 # Information about builders:
+ar-supports-at-file       = @ArSupportsAtFile@
 system-ar-supports-at-file = @ArSupportsAtFile_STAGE0@
+ar-supports-dash-l        = @ArSupportsDashL@
 system-ar-supports-dash-l = @ArSupportsDashL_STAGE0@
 cc-llvm-backend           = @CcLlvmBackend@
 hs-cpp-args               = @HaskellCPPArgs@
@@ -47,8 +49,11 @@ hs-cpp-args               = @HaskellCPPArgs@
 # Build options:
+ghc-unregisterised   = @Unregisterised@
+tables-next-to-code  = @TablesNextToCode@
 use-libffi-for-adjustors = @UseLibffiForAdjustors@
 ghc-source-path      = @hardtop@
+leading-underscore   = @LeadingUnderscore@
 # Information about build, host and target systems:
@@ -136,6 +141,7 @@ ld-has-no-compact-unwind = @LdHasNoCompactUnwind@
 ld-has-filelist = @LdHasFilelist@
 ld-supports-response-files = @LdSupportsResponseFiles@
 ld-is-gnu-ld = @LdIsGNULd@
+ar-args = @ArArgs@
 settings-c-compiler-command = @SettingsCCompilerCommand@
 settings-cxx-compiler-command = @SettingsCxxCompilerCommand@

@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
 import qualified GHC.Foreign as GHC
 import GHC.ResponseFile
+import GHC.Toolchain (Target(..))
+import qualified GHC.Toolchain as Toolchain
+import GHC.Toolchain.Program
 -- | C compiler can be used in two different modes:
 -- * Compile or preprocess a source file.
 -- * Extract source dependencies by passing @-MM@ command line argument.
@@ -415,18 +419,18 @@ isOptional = \case
 systemBuilderPath :: Builder -> Action FilePath
 systemBuilderPath builder = case builder of
     Alex            -> fromKey "alex"
-    Ar _ (Stage0 {})-> fromKey "system-ar"
-    Ar _ _          -> fromKey "ar"
+    Ar _ (Stage0 {})-> fromHostTC   "system-ar"  (Toolchain.arMkArchive . tgtAr)
+    Ar _ _          -> fromTargetTC "ar"         (Toolchain.arMkArchive . tgtAr)
     Autoreconf _    -> stripExe =<< fromKey "autoreconf"
-    Cc  _  (Stage0 {}) -> fromKey "system-cc"
-    Cc  _  _        -> fromKey "cc"
+    Cc  _  (Stage0 {}) -> fromHostTC "system-cc" (Toolchain.ccProgram . tgtCCompiler)
+    Cc  _  _        -> fromTargetTC  "cc"        (Toolchain.ccProgram . tgtCCompiler)
     -- We can't ask configure for the path to configure!
     Configure _     -> return "configure"
     Ghc _  (Stage0 {})   -> fromKey "system-ghc"
     GhcPkg _ (Stage0 {}) -> fromKey "system-ghc-pkg"
     Happy           -> fromKey "happy"
     HsCpp           -> fromKey "hs-cpp"
-    Ld _            -> fromKey "ld"
+    Ld _            -> fromTargetTC "ld" (Toolchain.ccLinkProgram . tgtCCompilerLink) -- ROMES:TODO ld vs cLink
     -- MergeObjects Stage0 is a special case in case of
     -- cross-compiling. We're building stage1, e.g. code which will be
     -- executed on the host and hence we need to use host's merge
@@ -435,15 +439,15 @@ systemBuilderPath builder = case builder of
     -- parameters. E.g. building a cross-compiler on and for x86_64
     -- which will target ppc64 means that MergeObjects Stage0 will use
     -- x86_64 linker and MergeObject _ will use ppc64 linker.
-    MergeObjects (Stage0 {}) -> fromKey "system-merge-objects"
-    MergeObjects _  -> fromKey "merge-objects"
+    MergeObjects (Stage0 {}) -> fromHostTC "system-merge-objects" (maybeProg Toolchain.mergeObjsProgram . tgtMergeObjs)
+    MergeObjects _  -> fromTargetTC "merge-objects" (maybeProg Toolchain.mergeObjsProgram . tgtMergeObjs)
     Make _          -> fromKey "make"
     Makeinfo        -> fromKey "makeinfo"
-    Nm              -> fromKey "nm"
+    Nm              -> fromTargetTC "nm" (Toolchain.nmProgram . tgtNm)
     Objdump         -> fromKey "objdump"
     Patch           -> fromKey "patch"
     Python          -> fromKey "python"
-    Ranlib          -> fromKey "ranlib"
+    Ranlib          -> fromTargetTC "ranlib" (maybeProg Toolchain.ranlibProgram . tgtRanlib)
     Testsuite _     -> fromKey "python"
     Sphinx _        -> fromKey "sphinx-build"
     Tar _           -> fromKey "tar"
@@ -459,10 +463,23 @@ systemBuilderPath builder = case builder of
         let unpack = fromMaybe . error $ "Cannot find path to builder "
                 ++ quote key ++ inCfg ++ " Did you skip configure?"
         path <- unpack <$> lookupValue configFile key
+        validate key path
+    -- Get program from the host's target configuration
+    fromHostTC keyname key = do
+        path <- queryHostTargetConfig (prgPath . key)
+        validate keyname path
+    -- Get program from the target's target configuration
+    fromTargetTC keyname key = do
+        path <- queryTargetTargetConfig (prgPath . key)
+        validate keyname path
+    validate keyname path = do
         if null path
         then do
             unless (isOptional builder) . error $ "Non optional builder "
-                ++ quote key ++ " is not specified" ++ inCfg
+                ++ quote keyname ++ " is not specified" ++ inCfg
             return "" -- TODO: Use a safe interface.
         else do
             -- angerman: I find this lookupInPath rather questionable.
@@ -488,6 +505,8 @@ systemBuilderPath builder = case builder of
         exists <- doesFileExist s
         if exists then return s else return sNoExt
+    maybeProg = maybe (Program "" [])
 -- | Was the path to a given system 'Builder' specified in configuration files?
 isSpecified :: Builder -> Action Bool

@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ data Target = Target
       -- C toolchain
     , tgtCCompiler :: Cc
     , tgtCxxCompiler :: Cxx
-    , tgtCPreprocessor :: Cpp
+    , tgtCPreprocessor :: Cpp -- ROMES:TODO: Is this hs-cpp or cpp? Do I need both?
     , tgtCCompilerLink :: CcLink
     -- , tgtLd :: Program -- needed?
     -- , tgtLdSupportsCompactUnwind :: Bool
     -- , tgtLdSupportsFilelist :: Bool
     -- , tgtLdIsGnuLd :: Bool -- needed?
     , tgtAr :: Ar
-    , tgtRanlib :: Maybe Ranlib
+    , tgtRanlib :: Maybe Ranlib -- why is this marked as maybe?
     , tgtNm :: Nm
     , tgtMergeObjs :: Maybe MergeObjs

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/e0c7fdc84f685dd884d0133b4290636136606f02...c8a95b770fa4b1f4eba4ff4c3479f62a1168a4e1

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/e0c7fdc84f685dd884d0133b4290636136606f02...c8a95b770fa4b1f4eba4ff4c3479f62a1168a4e1
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