[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] 2 commits: Apply: remove commented case (wasn't optimized either in latest ghcjs)

Sylvain Henry (@hsyl20) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Aug 15 23:42:43 UTC 2022

Sylvain Henry pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

84655973 by Sylvain Henry at 2022-08-15T23:17:13+02:00
Apply: remove commented case (wasn't optimized either in latest ghcjs)

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14d2ed4f by Sylvain Henry at 2022-08-16T01:45:30+02:00
Doc: Apply

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1 changed file:

- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Apply.hs


@@ -100,17 +100,6 @@ genApp
   -> G (JStat, ExprResult)
 genApp ctx i args
--- FIXME (sylvain 2022/02): what's our new equivalent of this?
---  -- special cases for JSString literals
---  -- we could handle unpackNBytes# here, but that's probably not common
---  -- enough to warrant a special case
---  | [StgVarArg v] <- args
---  , [top] <- concatMap snd (ctxTarget ctx)
---  -- , Just (Lit (MachStr bs)) <- expandUnfolding_maybe (idUnfolding v)
---  -- , Just t <- decodeModifiedUTF8 bs -- unpackFS fs -- Just t <- decodeModifiedUTF8 bs
---  , matchVarName "ghcjs-prim" "GHCJS.Prim" "unsafeUnpackJSStringUtf8##" i =
---     (,ExprInline Nothing) . (|=) top . app "h$decodeUtf8z" <$> varsForId v
     -- Case: unpackCStringAppend# "some string"# str
     -- Generates h$appendToHsStringA(str, "some string"), which has a faster
@@ -118,16 +107,15 @@ genApp ctx i args
     | [StgLitArg (LitString bs), x] <- args
     , [top] <- concatMap typex_expr (ctxTarget ctx)
     , getUnique i == unpackCStringAppendIdKey
-    -- , Just d <- decodeModifiedUTF8 bs
     , d <- utf8DecodeByteString bs
         -- FIXME (Sylvain, 2022/02): we assume that it decodes but it may not (e.g. embedded file)
     = do
-        -- fixme breaks assumption in codegen if bs doesn't decode
         prof <- csProf <$> getSettings
         let profArg = if prof then [jCafCCS] else []
         a <- genArg x
-        return (top |= app "h$appendToHsStringA" ([toJExpr d, toJExpr a] ++ profArg)
-               ,ExprInline Nothing)
+        return ( top |= app "h$appendToHsStringA" ([toJExpr d, toJExpr a] ++ profArg)
+               , ExprInline Nothing
+               )
     -- let-no-escape
     | Just n <- ctxLneBindingStackSize ctx i
@@ -395,8 +383,11 @@ pushCont as = do
 -- efficiently than other more specialized functions.
 -- Stack layout:
---  0. tag: (regs << 8 | arity)
---  1. args
+--  -x: ...
+--  -y: args...
+--  -3: ...
+--  -2: register values to enter R1
+--  -1: tag (number of register values << 8 | number of args)
 -- Regs:
 --  R1 = closure to apply to
@@ -440,51 +431,91 @@ genericStackApply cfg =
       , returnS (app "h$blockOnBlackhole" [r1])
-    fun_case c arity = jVar \myArity ar myAr myRegs regs newTag newAp p dat ->
-      [ myArity |= stack .! (sp - 1)
-      , ar |= mask8 arity
-      , myAr |= mask8 myArity
-      , myRegs |= myArity .>>. 8
-      , traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: args: " + myAr
-                    + jString " regs: " + myRegs)
-      , ifBlockS (myAr .===. ar)
-        -- then
+    fun_case c arity = jVar \tag needed_args needed_regs given_args given_regs newTag newAp p dat ->
+      [ tag         |= stack .! (sp - 1) -- tag on the stack
+      , given_args  |= mask8 tag         -- indicates the number of passed args
+      , given_regs  |= tag .>>. 8        -- and the number of passed values for registers
+      , needed_args |= mask8 arity
+      , needed_regs |= arity .>>. 8
+      , traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: args: " + given_args
+                    + jString " regs: " + given_regs)
+      , ifBlockS (given_args .===. needed_args)
+        --------------------------------
+        -- exactly saturated application
+        --------------------------------
         [ traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: exact")
-        , loop 0 (.<. myRegs)
-                         (\i -> appS "h$setReg" [i+2, stack .! (sp-2-i)]
-                           <> postIncrS i)
-        , (sp |= sp - myRegs - 2)
+        -- Set registers to register values on the stack
+        , loop 0 (.<. given_regs) \i -> mconcat
+            [ appS "h$setReg" [i+2, stack .! (sp-2-i)]
+            , postIncrS i
+            ]
+        -- drop register values from the stack
+        , sp |= sp - given_regs - 2
+        -- enter closure in R1
         , returnS c
-        -- else
-        [ ifBlockS (myAr .>. ar)
-            --then
-            [ regs |= arity .>>. 8
-            , traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: oversat: arity: " + ar
-                          + jString " regs: " + regs)
-            , loop 0 (.<. regs)
-              (\i -> traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: loading register: " + i)
-                <> appS "h$setReg" [i+2, stack .! (sp-2-i)]
-                <> postIncrS i)
-            , newTag |= ((myRegs-regs).<<.8).|.myAr - ar
+        [ ifBlockS (given_args .>. needed_args)
+            ----------------------------
+            -- oversaturated application
+            ----------------------------
+            [ traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: oversat: arity: " + needed_args
+                          + jString " regs: " + needed_regs)
+            -- load needed register values
+            , loop 0 (.<. needed_regs) \i -> mconcat
+                [ traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: loading register: " + i)
+                , appS "h$setReg" [i+2, stack .! (sp-2-i)]
+                , postIncrS i
+                ]
+            -- compute new tag with consumed register values and args removed
+            , newTag |= ((given_regs-needed_regs).<<.8) .|. (given_args - needed_args)
+            -- find application function for the remaining regs/args
             , newAp |= var "h$apply" .! newTag
             , traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: next: " + (newAp .^ "n"))
+            -- Drop used registers from the stack.
+            -- Test if the application function needs a tag and push it.
             , ifS (newAp .===. var "h$ap_gen")
-                   ((sp |= sp - regs) <> (stack .! (sp - 1) |= newTag))
-                   (sp |= sp - regs - 1)
+                   ((sp |= sp - needed_regs) <> (stack .! (sp - 1) |= newTag))
+                   (sp |= sp - needed_regs - 1)
+                -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-08): this is fragile and probably inefficient.
+                -- Instead of filling h$apply array with h$ap_gen, we should leave
+                -- it with empty items and match "undefined" here.
+            -- Push generic application function as continuation
             , stack .! sp |= newAp
+            -- Push "current thread CCS restore" function as continuation
             , profStat cfg pushRestoreCCS
+            -- enter closure in R1
             , returnS c
-            -- else
+            -----------------------------
+            -- undersaturated application
+            -----------------------------
             [ traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen: undersat")
-            , p   |= var "h$paps" .! myRegs
-            , dat |= toJExpr [r1, ((arity .>>. 8)-myRegs)*256+ar-myAr]
-            ,  loop 0 (.<. myRegs)
-               (\i -> (dat .^ "push") `ApplStat` [stack .! (sp - i - 2)]
-                      <> postIncrS i)
-            , sp  |= sp - myRegs - 2
+            -- find PAP entry function corresponding to given_regs count
+            , p      |= var "h$paps" .! given_regs
+            -- build PAP payload: R1 + tag + given register values
+            , newTag |= ((needed_regs-given_regs) .<<. 8) .|. (needed_args-given_args)
+            , dat    |= toJExpr [r1, newTag]
+            , loop 0 (.<. given_regs) \i -> mconcat
+                [ (dat .^ "push") `ApplStat` [stack .! (sp - i - 2)]
+                , postIncrS i
+                ]
+            -- remove register values from the stack.
+            , sp  |= sp - given_regs - 2
+            -- alloc PAP closure, store reference to it in R1.
             , r1  |= initClosure cfg p dat jCurrentCCS
+            -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-08): why don't we pop/store the given args
+            -- too?
+            -- return to the continuation on the stack
             , returnStack

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View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/9716e7f23f01be535a8f211010dd2c5cedb8838d...14d2ed4f1c2f5f4f7c1a480ae40bef5e17879a99
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