[commit: ghc] wip/T15916: PPC NCG: Make `stackHeaderSize` more general (bda21fc)

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On branch  : wip/T15916
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/bda21fc62ff72258539bbb2fff64439d4b21f07e/ghc


commit bda21fc62ff72258539bbb2fff64439d4b21f07e
Author: Peter Trommler <ptrommler at acm.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 28 23:55:35 2018 +0100

    PPC NCG: Make `stackHeaderSize` more general


 compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs | 13 ++++++-------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs
index 8f3153c..fb62738 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs
@@ -575,14 +575,13 @@ ppc_mkLoadInstr dflags reg delta slot
 stackFrameHeaderSize :: DynFlags -> Int
 stackFrameHeaderSize dflags
   = case platformOS platform of
-      OSLinux  -> case platformArch platform of
-                             -- header + parameter save area
-        ArchPPC           -> 64 -- TODO: check ABI spec
-        ArchPPC_64 ELF_V1 -> 48 + 8 * 8
-        ArchPPC_64 ELF_V2 -> 32 + 8 * 8
-        _ -> panic "PPC.stackFrameHeaderSize: Unknown Linux"
       OSAIX    -> 24 + 8 * 4
-      _ -> panic "PPC.stackFrameHeaderSize: not defined for this OS"
+      _ -> case platformArch platform of
+                             -- header + parameter save area
+             ArchPPC           -> 64 -- TODO: check ABI spec
+             ArchPPC_64 ELF_V1 -> 48 + 8 * 8
+             ArchPPC_64 ELF_V2 -> 32 + 8 * 8
+             _ -> panic "PPC.stackFrameHeaderSize: not defined for this OS"
      where platform = targetPlatform dflags
 -- | The maximum number of bytes required to spill a register. PPC32

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