[Git][ghc/ghc][ghc-8.8] 3 commits: users-guide: Drop old release notes

Ben Gamari gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Apr 30 14:04:14 UTC 2019

Ben Gamari pushed to branch ghc-8.8 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

e1c3aa5b by Ben Gamari at 2019-04-25T23:03:31Z
users-guide: Drop old release notes

- - - - -
f175c306 by Ben Gamari at 2019-04-25T23:13:57Z
users-guide: Mention profiling break on 32-bit Windows

Due to #15934.

- - - - -
c56dad01 by Ben Gamari at 2019-04-26T17:53:21Z
gitlab-ci: Reintroduce DWARF-enabled bindists

It seems that this was inadvertently dropped in

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- .gitlab-ci.yml
- − docs/users_guide/8.2.1-notes.rst
- − docs/users_guide/8.6.1-notes.rst
- docs/users_guide/index.rst
- docs/users_guide/profiling.rst


@@ -394,6 +394,21 @@ validate-x86_64-linux-deb9-unreg:
     CONFIGURE_ARGS: --enable-unregisterised
     TEST_ENV: "x86_64-linux-deb9-unreg"
+  extends: .validate-linux
+  stage: build
+  image: "registry.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ci-images/x86_64-linux-deb9:$DOCKER_REV"
+  allow_failure: true
+  variables:
+    CONFIGURE_ARGS: "--enable-dwarf-unwind"
+    BUILD_FLAVOUR: dwarf
+    TEST_ENV: "x86_64-linux-deb9"
+  artifacts:
+    when: always
+    expire_in: 2 week
+  cache:
+    key: linux-x86_64-deb9
 # x86_64-linux-deb8

docs/users_guide/8.2.1-notes.rst deleted
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-.. _release-8-2-1:
-Release notes for version 8.2.1
-The significant changes to the various parts of the compiler are listed
-in the following sections. There have also been numerous bug fixes and
-performance improvements over the 8.0 branch.
-The highlights since the 8.0 release include:
-- A new, more expressive ``Typeable`` mechanism, ``Type.Reflection``
-- Colorful error messages with caret diagnostics
-- SCC annotations can now be used for declarations.
-- Heap overflow throws an exception in certain circumstances.
-- Improved code generation of join points
-- Deriving strategies
-- Compact regions support, allowing efficient garbage collection of large heaps
-- More reliable DWARF debug information
-Full details
-Package system
-- The long awaited Backpack module system is now fully usable. See
-  :ghc-wiki:`the GHC Wiki <Backpack>` for details.
-- Pattern synonym signatures can now be applied to multiple patterns, just like
-  value-level binding signatures. See :ref:`patsyn-typing` for details.
-- It is now possible to explicitly pick a strategy to use when deriving a
-  class instance using the :ghc-flag:`-XDerivingStrategies` language extension
-  (see :ref:`deriving-strategies`).
-- The new :ghc-flag:`-XUnboxedSums` extension allows more efficient representation
-  of sum data. Some future GHC release will have support for worker/wrapper
-  transformation of sum arguments and constructor unpacking.
-- Support for overloaded record fields via a new ``HasField`` class and
-  associated compiler logic (see :ref:`record-field-selector-polymorphism`)
-- GHC now recognizes the ``COMPLETE`` language pragma, allowing the user to
-  specify sets of patterns (including pattern synonyms) which constitute a
-  complete pattern match. See :ref:`complete-pragma` for details.
-- GHC will now use ``ld.gold`` or ``ld.lld`` instead of the system's default
-  ``ld``, if available. Linker availability will be evaluated at ``configure``
-  time. The user can manually override which linker to use by passing the ``LD``
-  variable to ``configure``. You can revert to the old behavior of using the
-  system's default ``ld`` by passing the ``--disable-ld-override`` flag to
-  ``configure``.
-- GHC now uses section splitting (i.e. :ghc-flag:`-split-sections`) instead of
-  object splitting (i.e. :ghc-flag:`-split-objs`) as the default mechanism for
-  linker-based dead code removal. While the effect is the same, split sections
-  tends to produce significantly smaller objects than split objects and more
-  closely mirrors the approach used by other compilers. Split objects will
-  be deprecated and eventually removed in a future GHC release.
-  Note that some versions of the ubiquitous BFD linker exhibit performance
-  trouble with large libraries with section splitting enabled (see
-  :ghc-ticket:`13739`). It is recommended that you use either the ``gold`` or
-  ``lld`` linker if you observe this. This will require that you install one of
-  these compilers, rerun ``configure``, and reinstall GHC.
-  Split sections is enabled by default in the official binary distributions for
-  platforms that support it.
-- Old profiling flags ``-auto-all``, ``-auto``, and ``-caf-all`` are deprecated
-  and their usage provokes a compile-time warning.
-- Support for adding cost centres to declarations is added. The same ``SCC``
-  syntax can be used, in addition to a new form for specifying the cost centre
-  name. See :ref:`scc-pragma` for examples.
-- GHC is now much more particular about :ghc-flag:`-XDefaultSignatures`. The
-  type signature for a default method of a type class must now be the same as
-  the corresponding main method's type signature modulo differences in the
-  signatures' contexts. Otherwise, the typechecker will reject that class's
-  definition. See :ref:`class-default-signatures` for further details.
-- :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveAnyClass` is no longer limited to type classes whose
-  argument is of kind ``*`` or ``* -> *``.
-- The means by which :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveAnyClass` infers instance contexts has
-  been completely overhauled. The instance context is now inferred using the
-  type signatures (and default type signatures) of the derived class's methods
-  instead of using the datatype's definition, which often led to
-  over-constrained instances or instances that didn't typecheck (or worse,
-  triggered GHC panics). See the section on
-  :ref:`DeriveAnyClass <derive-any-class>` for more details.
-- GHC now allows standalone deriving using :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveAnyClass` on
-  any data type, even if its data constructors are not in scope. This is
-  consistent with the fact that this code (in the presence of
-  :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveAnyClass`): ::
-      deriving instance C T
-  is exactly equivalent to: ::
-      instance C T
-  and the latter code has no restrictions about whether the data constructors
-  of ``T`` are in scope.
-- :ghc-flag:`-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving` now supports deriving type classes
-  with associated type families. See the section on
-  :ref:`GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving and associated type families
-  <gnd-and-associated-types>`.
-- :ghc-flag:`-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving` will no longer infer constraints
-  when deriving a class with no methods. That is, this code: ::
-      class Throws e
-      newtype Id a = MkId a
-        deriving Throws
-  will now generate this instance: ::
-      instance Throws (Id a)
-  instead of this instance: ::
-      instance Throws a => Throws (Id a)
-  This change was motivated by the fact that the latter code has a strictly
-  redundant ``Throws a`` constraint, so it would emit a warning when compiled
-  with :ghc-flag:`-Wredundant-constraints`. The latter instance could still
-  be derived if so desired using :ghc-flag:`-XStandaloneDeriving`: ::
-      deriving instance Throws a => Throws (Id a)
-- Add warning flag :ghc-flag:`-Wcpp-undef` which passes ``-Wundef`` to the C
-  pre-processor causing the pre-processor to warn on uses of the ``#if``
-  directive on undefined identifiers.
-- GHC will no longer automatically infer the kind of higher-rank type synonyms;
-  you must explicitly annotate the synonym with a kind signature.
-  For example, given::
-    data T :: (forall k. k -> Type) -> Type
-  to define a synonym of ``T``, you must write::
-    type TSyn = (T :: (forall k. k -> Type) -> Type)
-- The Mingw-w64 toolchain for the Windows version of GHC has been updated. GHC now uses
-  `GCC 6.2.0` and `binutils 2.27`.
-- Previously, :ghc-flag:`-Wmissing-methods` would not warn whenever a type
-  class method beginning with an underscore was not implemented in an instance.
-  For instance, this code would compile without any warnings: ::
-     class Foo a where
-       _Bar :: a -> Int
-     instance Foo Int
-  :ghc-flag:`-Wmissing-methods` will now warn that ``_Bar`` is not implemented
-  in the ``Foo Int`` instance.
-- A new flag :ghc-flag:`-ddump-json` has been added. This flag dumps compiler
-  output as JSON documents. It is experimental and will be refined depending
-  on feedback from tooling authors for the next release.
-- GHC is now able to better optimize polymorphic expressions by using known
-  superclass dictionaries where possible. Some examples: ::
-    -- uses of `Monad IO` or `Applicative IO` here are improved
-    foo :: MonadBaseControl IO m => ...
-    -- uses of `Monoid MyMonoid` here are improved
-    bar :: MonadWriter MyMonoid m => ...
-- GHC now derives the definition of ``<$`` when using :ghc-flag:`-XDeriveFunctor`
-  rather than using the default definition. This prevents unnecessary
-  allocation and a potential space leak when deriving ``Functor`` for
-  a recursive type.
-- The :ghc-flag:`-XExtendedDefaultRules` extension now defaults multi-parameter
-  typeclasses. See :ghc-ticket:`12923`.
-- GHC now ignores ``RULES`` for data constructors (:ghc-ticket:`13290`).
-  Previously, it accepted::
-    {-# RULES "NotAllowed" forall x. Just x = e #-}
-  That rule will no longer take effect, and a warning will be issued. ``RULES``
-  may still mention data constructors, but not in the outermost position::
-    {-# RULES "StillWorks" forall x. f (Just x) = e #-}
-- Type synonyms can no longer appear in the class position of an instance.
-  This means something like this is no longer allowed: ::
-    type ReadShow a = (Read a, Show a)
-    instance Read Foo
-    instance Show Foo
-    instance ReadShow Foo -- illegal
-  See :ghc-ticket:`13267`.
-- Validity checking for associated type family instances has tightened
-  somewhat. Before, this would be accepted: ::
-    class Foo a where
-      type Bar a
-    instance Foo (Either a b) where
-      type Bar (Either c d) = d -> c
-  This is now disallowed, as the type variables used in the `Bar` instance do
-  not match those in the instance head. This instance can be fixed by changing
-  it to: ::
-    instance Foo (Either a b) where
-      type Bar (Either a b) = b -> a
-  See the section on :ref:`associated type family instances <assoc-data-inst>`
-  for more information.
-- A bug involving the interaction between :ghc-flag:`-XMonoLocalBinds` and
-  :ghc-flag:`-XPolyKinds` has been fixed. This can cause some programs to fail
-  to typecheck in case explicit kind signatures are not provided. See
-  :ref:`kind-generalisation` for an example.
-- Added :ghc-flag:`-flocal-ghci-history` which uses current directory for `.ghci-history`.
-- Added support for :ghc-flag:`-XStaticPointers` in interpreted modules. Note, however,
-  that ``static`` expressions are still not allowed in expressions evaluated in the REPL.
-- Added support for :ghci-cmd:`:type +d` and :ghci-cmd:`:type +v`. (:ghc-ticket:`11975`)
-Template Haskell
--  Reifying types that contain unboxed tuples now works correctly. (Previously,
-   Template Haskell reified unboxed tuples as boxed tuples with twice their
-   appropriate arity.)
--  Splicing singleton unboxed tuple types (e.g., ``(# Int #)``) now works
-   correctly. Previously, Template Haskell would implicitly remove the
-   parentheses when splicing, which would turn ``(# Int #)`` into ``Int``.
--  Add support for type signatures in patterns. (:ghc-ticket:`12164`)
--  Make quoting and reification return the same types.  (:ghc-ticket:`11629`)
--  More kind annotations appear in the left-hand sides of reified closed
-   type family equations, in order to disambiguate types that would otherwise
-   be ambiguous in the presence of :ghc-flag:`-XPolyKinds`.
-   (:ghc-ticket:`12646`)
--  Quoted type signatures are more accurate with respect to implicitly
-   quantified type variables. Before, if you quoted this: ::
-     [d| id :: a -> a
-         id x = x
-       |]
-   then the code that Template Haskell would give back to you would actually be
-   this instead: ::
-     id :: forall a. a -> a
-     id x = x
-   That is, quoting would explicitly quantify all type variables, even ones
-   that were implicitly quantified in the source. This could be especially
-   harmful if a kind variable was implicitly quantified. For example, if
-   you took this quoted declaration: ::
-     [d| idProxy :: forall proxy (b :: k). proxy b -> proxy b
-         idProxy x = x
-       |]
-   and tried to splice it back in, you'd get this instead: ::
-     idProxy :: forall k proxy (b :: k). proxy b -> proxy b
-     idProxy x = x
-   Now ``k`` is explicitly quantified, and that requires turning on
-   :ghc-flag:`-XTypeInType`, whereas the original declaration did not!
-   Template Haskell quoting now respects implicit quantification in type
-   signatures, so the quoted declarations above now correctly leave the
-   type variables ``a`` and ``k`` as implicitly quantified.
-   (:ghc-ticket:`13018` and :ghc-ticket:`13123`)
-- Looking up type constructors with symbol names (e.g., ``+``) now works
-  as expected (:ghc-ticket:`11046`)
-Runtime system
-- Heap overflow throws a catchable exception, provided that it was detected
-  by the RTS during a GC cycle due to the program exceeding a limit set by
-  ``+RTS -M`` (see :rts-flag:`-M ⟨size⟩`), and not due to an allocation being refused
-  by the operating system. This exception is thrown to the same thread that
-  receives ``UserInterrupt`` exceptions, and may be caught by user programs.
-- Added support for *Compact Regions*, which offer a way to manually
-  move long-lived data outside of the heap so that the garbage
-  collector does not have to trace it repeatedly.  Compacted data can
-  also be serialized, stored, and deserialized again later by the same
-  program. For more details see the :ghc-compact-ref:`GHC.Compact.` module.
-  Moreover, see the ``compact`` library on `Hackage
-  <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/compact>`_ for a high-level interface.
-- There is new support for improving performance on machines with a
-  Non-Uniform Memory Architecture (NUMA).  See :rts-flag:`--numa`.
-  This is supported on Linux and Windows systems.
-- The garbage collector can be told to use fewer threads than the
-  global number of capabilities set by :rts-flag:`-N ⟨x⟩`. By default, the garbage
-  collector will use a number of threads equal to the lesser of the global number
-  of capabilities or the number of physical cores. See :rts-flag:`-qn ⟨x⟩`, and a
-  `blog post <http://simonmar.github.io/posts/2016-12-08-Haskell-in-the-datacentre.html>`_
-  that describes this.
-- The :ref:`heap profiler <prof-heap>` can now emit heap census data to the GHC
-  event log, allowing heap profiles to be correlated with other tracing events
-  (see :ghc-ticket:`11094`).
-- Some bugs have been fixed in the stack-trace implementation in the
-  profiler that sometimes resulted in incorrect stack traces and
-  costs attributed to the wrong cost centre stack (see :ghc-ticket:`5654`).
-- Added processor group support for Windows. This allows the runtime to allocate
-  threads to all cores in systems which have multiple processor groups.
-  (e.g. > 64 cores, see :ghc-ticket:`11054`)
-- Output of :ref:`Event log <rts-eventlog>` data can now be configured,
-  enabling external tools to collect and analyze the event log data while the
-  application is still running.
-- ``advapi32``, ``shell32`` and ``user32`` are now automatically loaded in GHCi.
-  ``libGCC`` is also loaded when a dependency requires it. See
-  :ghc-ticket:`13189`.
--  Version number 0.68.2
--  Version number (was
-.. _lib-base:
-See ``changelog.md`` in the ``base`` package for full release notes.
--  Version number (was
-- ``Data.Either`` now provides ``fromLeft`` and ``fromRight``
-- ``Data.Type.Coercion`` now provides ``gcoerceWith``, which is analogous to
-  ``gcastWith`` from ``Data.Type.Equality``.
-- The ``Read1`` and ``Read2`` classes in ``Data.Functor.Classes`` have new
-  methods, ``liftReadList(2)`` and ``liftReadListPrec(2)``, that are defined in
-  terms of ``ReadPrec`` instead of ``ReadS``. This matches the interface
-  provided in GHC's version of the ``Read`` class, and allows users to write
-  more efficient ``Read1`` and ``Read2`` instances.
-- Add ``type family AppendSymbol (m :: Symbol) (n :: Symbol) :: Symbol`` to
-  ``GHC.TypeLits``
-- Add ``GHC.TypeNats`` module with ``Natural``-based ``KnownNat``. The ``Nat``
-  operations in ``GHC.TypeLits`` are a thin compatibility layer on top.
-  Note: the ``KnownNat`` evidence is changed from an ``Integer`` to a ``Natural``.
-- ``liftA2`` is now a method of the ``Applicative`` class. ``Traversable``
-  deriving has been modified to use ``liftA2`` for the first two elements
-  traversed in each constructor. ``liftA2`` is not yet in the ``Prelude``,
-  and must currently be imported from ``Control.Applicative``. It is likely
-  to be added to the ``Prelude`` in the future.
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number 8.2.1
--  This is an internal package. Use with caution.
-The ``ghc-compact`` library provides an experimental API for placing immutable
-data structures into a contiguous memory region. Data in these regions is not
-traced during garbage collection and can be serialized to disk or over the
-- Version number (newly added)
--  Version number (was
--  Added new ``isByteArrayPinned#`` and ``isMutableByteArrayPinned#`` operation.
--  New function ``noinline`` in ``GHC.Magic`` lets you mark that a function
-   should not be inlined.  It is optimized away after the simplifier runs.
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version (was
--  Added support for unboxed sums :ghc-ticket:`12478`.
--  Added support for visible type applications :ghc-ticket:`12530`.
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
--  Version number (was
-Known bugs
-- At least one known program regresses in compile time significantly over 8.0.
-  See :ghc-ticket:`13535`.
-- Some uses of type applications may cause GHC to panic. See :ghc-ticket:`13819`.
-- The compiler may loop during typechecking on some modules using
-  :ghc-flag:`-XUndecidableInstances`. See :ghc-ticket:`13943`.

docs/users_guide/8.6.1-notes.rst deleted
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-.. _release-8-6-1:
-Release notes for version 8.6.1
-The significant changes to the various parts of the compiler are listed in the
-following sections. There have also been numerous bug fixes and performance
-improvements over the 8.4.1 release.
-The highlights, since the 8.4.1 release, are:
-- Programs are no longer constrained by the Windows ``MAX_PATH`` file path
-  length limit. The file path limit is now approximately 32,767 characters. Note
-  that GHC itself is still somewhat limited due to GCC not supporting file
-  namespaced paths. Paths that are passed directly to the compiler, linker or
-  other GNU tools are currently still constrained. See :ref:`windows-file-paths`
-  for details.
-- Many, many bug fixes.
-Full details
-- Use of quantified type variables in constraints is now allowed via the
-  :extension:`QuantifiedConstraints` language extension. This long-awaited feature
-  enables users to encode significantly more precision in their types. For instance,
-  the common ``MonadTrans`` typeclass could now make the expectation that an
-  applied transformer is must be a ``Monad`` ::
-      class (forall m. Monad m => Monad (t m)) => MonadTrans t where {- ... -}
-  Additionally, quantification can enable terminating instance resolution
-  where this previously was not possible. See :ref:`quantified-constraints` for
-  details.
-- A new :extension:`DerivingVia` language extension has been added which allows
-  the use of the ``via`` deriving strategy. For instance: ::
-    newtype T = MkT Int
-      deriving Monoid via (Sum Int)
-  See :ref:`deriving-via` for more information.
-- A new :extension:`StarIsType` language extension has been added which controls
-  whether ``*`` is parsed as ``Data.Kind.Type`` or a regular type operator.
-  :extension:`StarIsType` is enabled by default.
-- GHC now permits the use of a wildcard type as the context of a standalone
-  ``deriving`` declaration with the use of the
-  :extension:`PartialTypeSignatures` language extension. For instance, this
-  declaration: ::
-    deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo a)
-  Denotes a derived ``Eq (Foo a)`` instance, where the context is inferred in
-  much the same way as ordinary ``deriving`` clauses do.
-  See :ref:`partial-type-signatures`.
-- Data declarations with empty ``where`` clauses are no longer valid without the
-  extension :extension:`GADTSyntax` enabled. For instance, consider the
-  following, ::
-      data T where
-  The grammar is invalid in Haskell2010. Previously it could be compiled successfully
-  without ``GADTs``. As of GHC 8.6.1, this is a parse error.
-- Incomplete patterns warning :ghc-flag:`-Wincomplete-patterns` is extended to
-  guards in pattern bindings and ``if`` alternatives of :extension:`MultiWayIf`.
-  For instance, consider the following, ::
-      foo :: Bool -> Int
-      foo b = if | b -> 1
-  In GHC 8.6.1, it will raise the warning: ::
-      <interactive>:2:12: warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns]
-          Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
-          In a multi-way if alternative:
-              Guards do not cover entire pattern space
-  See :ghc-ticket:`14773`.
-- Scoped type variables now work in default methods of class declarations
-  and in pattern synonyms in Template Haskell. See :ghc-ticket:`14885`.
-- ``do`` expressions, lambda expressions, etc. to be directly used as
-  a function argument, enabled with :extension:`BlockArguments`.
-  See :ref:`More liberal syntax for function arguments <block-arguments>`
-  for the full details.
-- Underscores in numeric literals (e.g. ``1_000_000``), enabled with
-  :extension:`NumericUnderscores`.
-  See :ref:`Numeric underscores <numeric-underscores>`
-  for the full details.
-- CUSKs now require all kind variables to be explicitly quantified. This was
-  already the case with :extension:`TypeInType`, but now :extension:`PolyKinds`
-  also exhibits this behavior. This means that the following example is no
-  longer considered to have a CUSK::
-   data T1 :: k -> Type       -- No CUSK: `k` is not explicitly quantified
-- Functionality of :extension:`TypeInType` has been subsumed by
-  :extension:`PolyKinds`, and it is now merely a shorthand for
-  :extension:`PolyKinds`, :extension:`DataKinds`, and :extension:`NoStarIsType`.
-  The users are advised to avoid :extension:`TypeInType` due to its misleading
-  name: the ``Type :: Type`` axiom holds regardless of whether it is enabled.
-- GHC has become more diligent about catching illegal uses of kind polymorphism.
-  For instance, GHC 8.4 would accept the following without the use of
-  :extension:`PolyKinds`::
-    f :: forall k (a :: k). Proxy a
-    f = Proxy
-  This is now an error unless :extension:`PolyKinds` is enabled.
-- The plugin mechanism has been extended to allow plugins to run between frontend
-  phases. Of particular note are the parser and typechecker plugins which run
-  after parsing and typechecking have completed. Collectively, these new extension
-  points are called :ref:`source plugins <source-plugins>`.
-- Type literals now could be used in type class instances without the extension
-  :extension:`FlexibleInstances`.
-  See :ghc-ticket:`13833`.
-- :extension:`MonadFailDesugaring` is now enabled by default. See
-  `MonadFail Proposal (MFP)
-  <https://prime.haskell.org/wiki/Libraries/Proposals/MonadFail>`__
-  for more details.
-- GHC now no longer adds the current file's directory as a general include path
-  calling the C compiler. Instead we use :ghc-flag:`-iquote` to only add it as
-  an include path for `#include ""`. See :ghc-ticket:`14312`.
-- GHC now supports British spelling of :extension:`GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving`.
-- GHC now does significantly more constant folding in its core-to-core optimiser.
-  This will result in significantly better code being generated for some
-  programs. See :ghc-ticket:`9136`.
-- GHC now offers significantly more information about typed holes such as valid
-  hole fits and refinement hole fits. See :ref:`Valid Hole Fits <typed-hole-valid-hole-fits>`
-  for more information.
-- The code-generation effects of :ghc-flag:`-dynamic` can now be
-  enabled independently by the flag
-  :ghc-flag:`-fexternal-dynamic-refs`. If you don't know why you might
-  need this, you don't need it.
-- :ghc-flag:`-Wcompat` now includes :ghc-flag:`-Wimplicit-kind-vars` to
-  provide early detection of breakage that will be caused by implementation of
-  `GHC proposal #24
-  <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0024-no-kind-vars.rst>`__
-  in a future release.
-- GHC's plugin mechanism now offers plugin authors control over their plugin's
-  effect on recompilation checking. Specifically the ``Plugin`` record name has
-  a new field ::
-    data Plugin = Plugin {
-        pluginRecompile :: [CommandLineOption] -> IO PluginRecompile
-      , {- ... -}
-      }
-    data PluginRecompile = ForceRecompile | NoForceRecompile | MaybeRecompile Fingerprint
-  Plugin based on ``defaultPlugin`` will have their previous recompilation
-  behavior (``ForceRecompile``) preserved. However, plugins that are "pure" are
-  encouraged to override this to either ``NoForceRecompile`` or ``MaybeRecompile``.
-  See :ref:`plugin_recompilation` for details.
-- GHC now provides a class of new plugins: source plugins. These plugins can
-  inspect and modify a variety of intermediate representations used by the
-  compiler's frontend. These include:
-    * The ability to modify the parser output
-    * The ability to inspect the renamer output
-    * The ability to modify the typechecked AST
-    * The ability to modify Template Haskell splices
-    * The ability to modify interface files as they are loaded
-  See :ref:`source-plugins` for details.
-- Added an experimental :ghci-cmd:`:doc` command that displays the
-  documentation for a declaration.
-Runtime system
-- The GHC runtime linker now prefers user shared libraries above system ones.
-  When extra search directories are specified these are searched before anything
-  else. This fixes ``iuuc`` on Windows given the proper search directories (e.g
-  ``-L/mingw64/lib``).
-- The GHC runtime linker now uses ``LIBRARY_PATH`` and the runtime loader now also
-  searches ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH``.
-- The GHC runtime on Windows is no longer constrained by the ``MAX_PATH`` file path
-  length limitation. See :ref:`windows-file-paths`.
-- The runtime now allows use of the :rts-flag:`-hT` profiling variety on
-  programs built with :ghc-flag:`-prof`.
-- The STM assertions mechanism (namely the ``always`` and ``alwaysSucceeds``
-  functions) has been removed. This happened a bit earlier than proposed in the
-  deprecation pragma included in GHC 8.4, but due to community feedback we
-  decided to move ahead with the early removal.
-Template Haskell
-``ghc`` library
-``base`` library
-- ``($!)`` is now representation-polymorphic like ``($)``.
-- The module ``Data.Functor.Contravariant`` has been moved from the
-  ``contravariant`` package into ``base``. All the other modules in
-  ``contravariant`` (``Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible``, etc.)
-  have not been moved to ``base``, and they still reside in ``contravariant``.
-``ghc-prim`` library
--  Version number (was
--  Added new ``addWordC#`` operation for unsigned addition with carry.
-Build system
-Included libraries
-The package database provided with this distribution also contains a number of
-packages other than GHC itself. See the changelogs provided with these packages
-for further change information.
-.. ghc-package-list::
-    libraries/array/array.cabal:             Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/base/base.cabal:               Core library
-    libraries/binary/binary.cabal:           Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/bytestring/bytestring.cabal:   Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Cabal.cabal:       Dependency of ``ghc-pkg`` utility
-    libraries/containers/containers.cabal:   Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/deepseq/deepseq.cabal:         Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/directory/directory.cabal:     Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/filepath/filepath.cabal:       Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    compiler/ghc.cabal:                      The compiler itself
-    libraries/ghci/ghci.cabal:               The REPL interface
-    libraries/ghc-boot/ghc-boot.cabal:       Internal compiler library
-    libraries/ghc-compact/ghc-compact.cabal: Core library
-    libraries/ghc-prim/ghc-prim.cabal:       Core library
-    libraries/haskeline/haskeline.cabal:     Dependency of ``ghci`` executable
-    libraries/hpc/hpc.cabal:                 Dependency of ``hpc`` executable
-    libraries/integer-gmp/integer-gmp.cabal: Core library
-    libraries/mtl/mtl.cabal:                 Dependency of ``Cabal`` library
-    libraries/parsec/parsec.cabal:           Dependency of ``Cabal`` library
-    libraries/process/process.cabal:         Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/template-haskell/template-haskell.cabal:     Core library
-    libraries/text/text.cabal:               Dependency of ``Cabal`` library
-    libraries/time/time.cabal:               Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/transformers/transformers.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/unix/unix.cabal:               Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/Win32/Win32.cabal:             Dependency of ``ghc`` library
-    libraries/xhtml/xhtml.cabal:             Dependency of ``haddock`` executable

@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Contents:
-   8.6.1-notes

@@ -318,7 +318,12 @@ Compiler options for profiling
     put in your source will spring to life.
     Without a :ghc-flag:`-prof` option, your ``SCC``\ s are ignored; so you can
-    compile ``SCC``-laden code without changing it.
+    compile :pragma:`SCC`-laden code without changing it.
+.. warning::
+   Due to platform limitations, GHC may fail to produce profiled
+   object files on 32-bit Windows (see :ghc-ticket:`15934`).
 There are a few other profiling-related compilation options. Use them
 *in addition to* :ghc-flag:`-prof`. These do not have to be used consistently

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