[commit: ghc] master: Update stage1Only docs (4fd94c3)

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Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/4fd94c3fc74e2b48d0ba4b8a1ddd6a42bc421c11/ghc


commit 4fd94c3fc74e2b48d0ba4b8a1ddd6a42bc421c11
Author: Andrey Mokhov <andrey.mokhov at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Nov 5 13:40:47 2017 +0000

    Update stage1Only docs
    See #440


 doc/user-settings.md |  8 +++++++-
 src/UserSettings.hs  | 25 ++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/user-settings.md b/doc/user-settings.md
index 4567f52..c719045 100644
--- a/doc/user-settings.md
+++ b/doc/user-settings.md
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ others; see `hadrian/doc/flavours.md`), which can be activated from the command
 e.g. by passing `--flavour=quick`. Users can define new build flavours by adding them
 to `userFlavours` list:
--- | User defined build flavours. See 'userFlavour' as an example.
+-- | User-defined build flavours. See 'userFlavour' as an example.
 userFlavours :: [Flavour]
 userFlavours = [userFlavour] -- Add more build flavours if need be.
@@ -186,6 +186,12 @@ verboseCommands = return True
 ## Miscellaneous
+By setting `stage1Only = True` you can disable building Stage2 GHC (i.e. the
+`ghc-stage2` executable) and Stage2 utilities, such as `haddock`. Note that all
+Stage0 and Stage1 libraries (including `compiler`) will still be built. Enabling
+this flag during installation leads to installing `ghc-stage1` instead of
+`ghc-stage2`, and `ghc-pkg` that was build with the Stage0 compiler.
 To change the default behaviour of Hadrian with respect to building split
 objects, override the `splitObjects` setting of the `Flavour` record:
diff --git a/src/UserSettings.hs b/src/UserSettings.hs
index bb65764..1b7c3f8 100644
--- a/src/UserSettings.hs
+++ b/src/UserSettings.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
 userBuildRoot :: BuildRoot
 userBuildRoot = BuildRoot "_build"
--- | User defined build flavours. See 'userFlavour' as an example.
+-- | User-defined build flavours. See 'userFlavour' as an example.
 userFlavours :: [Flavour]
 userFlavours = [userFlavour] -- Add more build flavours if need be.
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ userFlavours = [userFlavour] -- Add more build flavours if need be.
 userFlavour :: Flavour
 userFlavour = defaultFlavour { name = "user" } -- Modify other settings here.
--- | Add user defined packages. Note, this only lets Hadrian know about the
+-- | Add user-defined packages. Note, this only lets Hadrian know about the
 -- existence of a new package; to actually build it you need to create a new
 -- build flavour, modifying the list of packages that are built by default.
 userPackages :: [Package]
@@ -52,18 +52,13 @@ buildProgressColour = BuildProgressColour (Dull, Magenta)
 successColour :: SuccessColour
 successColour = SuccessColour (Dull, Green)
-  Stage1Only=YES means:
-   - don't build ghc-stage2 (the executable)
-   - don't build utils that rely on ghc-stage2
-     See Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only] in
-     ./ghc.mk.
-   - install ghc-stage1 instead of ghc-stage2
-   - install the ghc-pkg that was built with the stage0 compiler
-   - (*do* still build compiler/stage2 (i.e. the ghc library))
-   - (*do* still build all other libraries)
--- | Stage1Only flag, default off
--- | TODO: Set this dynamically
+-- TODO: Set this flag from the command line.
+-- | Set this flag to 'True' to disable building Stage2 GHC (i.e. the @ghc-stage2@
+-- executable) and Stage2 utilities (such as @haddock@). Note that all Stage0
+-- and Stage1 libraries (including 'compiler') will still be built. Enabling
+-- this flag during installation leads to installing @ghc-stage1@ instead of
+-- @ghc-stage2@, and @ghc-pkg@ that was build with the Stage0 compiler.
+-- Also see Note [No stage2 packages when CrossCompiling or Stage1Only] in the
+-- top-level @ghc.mk at .
 stage1Only :: Bool
 stage1Only = False

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