[commit: ghc] master: Fix a bug in SRT generation (d424d4a)

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Wed May 23 16:05:55 UTC 2018

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/d424d4a46a729f8530e9273282d22b6b8f34daaa/ghc


commit d424d4a46a729f8530e9273282d22b6b8f34daaa
Author: Simon Marlow <marlowsd at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue May 22 15:19:55 2018 +0100

    Fix a bug in SRT generation
    I had good intentions, but they were not being followed. In particular,
    this comment:
    ---  - we never resolve a reference to a CAF to the contents of its SRT, since
    ---    the point of SRTs is to keep CAFs alive.
    was not true, because we updated the srtMap after generating the SRT
    for a CAF. Therefore it was possible for another CAF to refer to an
    earlier CAF, and the reference to the earlier CAF would be shortcutted
    to refer to its SRT instead of pointing to the CAF itself.
    The fix is just to not update the srtMap when generating the SRT for a
    CAF, but I also refactored the code and comments around this to be a bit
    better organised.
    Test Plan: Harbourmaster
    Reviewers: bgamari, michalt, simonpj, erikd
    Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie, carter
    GHC Trac Issues: #15173, #15168
    Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D4721


 compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
index bef4d98..ecbe89d 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import CostCentre
 import StgCmmHeap
 import PprCmm()
+import Control.Monad
 import Data.Map (Map)
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import Data.Set (Set)
@@ -445,20 +446,44 @@ getLabelledBlocks (CmmProc top_info _ _ _) =
--- | Get (Label,CLabel) pairs for each block that represents a CAF.
+-- | Put the labelled blocks that we will be annotating with SRTs into
+-- dependency order.  This is so that we can process them one at a
+-- time, resolving references to earlier blocks to point to their
+-- SRTs. CAFs themselves are not included here; see getCAFs below.
+  :: CAFEnv
+  -> [CmmDecl]
+  -> [SCC (Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
+depAnalSRTs cafEnv decls =
+  srtTrace "depAnalSRTs" (ppr graph) graph
+ where
+  labelledBlocks = concatMap getLabelledBlocks decls
+  labelToBlock = Map.fromList (map swap labelledBlocks)
+  graph = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd
+             [ let cafs' = Set.delete lbl cafs in
+               DigraphNode (l,lbl,cafs') l
+                 (mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup labelToBlock) (Set.toList cafs'))
+             | (l, lbl) <- labelledBlocks
+             , Just cafs <- [mapLookup l cafEnv] ]
+-- | Get (Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel) for each block that represents a CAF.
 -- These are treated differently from other labelled blocks:
---  - we never resolve a reference to a CAF to the contents of its SRT, since
---    the point of SRTs is to keep CAFs alive.
+--  - we never [Shortcut] a reference to a CAF to the contents of its
+--    SRT, since the point of SRTs is to keep CAFs alive.
 --  - CAFs therefore don't take part in the dependency analysis in depAnalSRTs.
 --    instead we generate their SRTs after everything else, so that we can
---    resolve references in the CAF's SRT.
-getCAFs :: CmmDecl -> [(Label, CAFLabel)]
-getCAFs (CmmData _ _) = []
-getCAFs (CmmProc top_info topLbl _ g)
-  | Just info <- mapLookup (g_entry g) (info_tbls top_info)
+--    [Shortcut] references from the CAF's SRT.
+getCAFs :: CAFEnv -> [CmmDecl] -> [(Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
+getCAFs cafEnv decls =
+  [ (g_entry g, mkCAFLabel topLbl, cafs)
+  | CmmProc top_info topLbl _ g <- decls
+  , Just info <- [mapLookup (g_entry g) (info_tbls top_info)]
   , let rep = cit_rep info
-  , isStaticRep rep && isThunkRep rep = [(g_entry g, mkCAFLabel topLbl)]
-  | otherwise = []
+  , isStaticRep rep && isThunkRep rep
+  , Just cafs <- [mapLookup (g_entry g) cafEnv]
+  ]
 -- | Get the list of blocks that correspond to the entry points for
 -- FUN_STATIC closures.  These are the blocks for which if we have an
@@ -475,35 +500,6 @@ getStaticFuns decls =
--- | Put the labelled blocks that we will be annotating with SRTs into
--- dependency order.  This is so that we can process them one at a
--- time, resolving references to earlier blocks to point to their
--- SRTs.
-  :: CAFEnv
-  -> [CmmDecl]
-  -> [SCC (Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
-depAnalSRTs cafEnv decls =
-  srtTrace "depAnalSRTs" (ppr blockToLabel $$ ppr (graph ++ cafSCCs)) $
-  (graph ++ cafSCCs)
- where
-  cafs = concatMap getCAFs decls
-  cafSCCs = [ AcyclicSCC (blockid, lbl, cafs)
-            | (blockid, lbl) <- cafs
-            , Just cafs <- [mapLookup blockid cafEnv] ]
-  labelledBlocks = concatMap getLabelledBlocks decls
-  blockToLabel :: LabelMap CAFLabel
-  blockToLabel = mapFromList (cafs ++ labelledBlocks)
-  labelToBlock = Map.fromList (map swap labelledBlocks)
-  graph = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd
-             [ let cafs' = Set.delete lbl cafs in
-               DigraphNode (l,lbl,cafs') l
-                 (mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup labelToBlock) (Set.toList cafs'))
-             | (l, lbl) <- labelledBlocks
-             , Just cafs <- [mapLookup l cafEnv] ]
 -- | Maps labels from 'cafAnal' to the final CLabel that will appear
 -- in the SRT.
 --   - closures with singleton SRTs resolve to their single entry
@@ -544,7 +540,9 @@ doSRTs dflags moduleSRTInfo tops = do
   -- don't need to generate the singleton SRT in the first place.  But
   -- to do this we need to process blocks before things that depend on
   -- them.
-  let sccs = depAnalSRTs cafEnv decls
+  let
+    sccs = depAnalSRTs cafEnv decls
+    cafsWithSRTs = getCAFs cafEnv decls
   -- On each strongly-connected group of decls, construct the SRT
   -- closures and the SRT fields for info tables.
@@ -556,8 +554,11 @@ doSRTs dflags moduleSRTInfo tops = do
       ((result, _srtMap), moduleSRTInfo') =
         initUs_ us $
         flip runStateT moduleSRTInfo $
-        flip runStateT Map.empty $
-        mapM (doSCC dflags staticFuns) sccs
+        flip runStateT Map.empty $ do
+          nonCAFs <- mapM (doSCC dflags staticFuns) sccs
+          cAFs <- forM cafsWithSRTs $ \(l, cafLbl, cafs) ->
+            oneSRT dflags staticFuns [l] [cafLbl] True{-is a CAF-} cafs
+          return (nonCAFs ++ cAFs)
       (declss, pairs, funSRTs) = unzip3 result
@@ -583,13 +584,13 @@ doSCC
 doSCC dflags staticFuns  (AcyclicSCC (l, cafLbl, cafs)) =
-  oneSRT dflags staticFuns [l] [cafLbl] cafs
+  oneSRT dflags staticFuns [l] [cafLbl] False cafs
 doSCC dflags staticFuns (CyclicSCC nodes) = do
   -- build a single SRT for the whole cycle
   let (blockids, lbls, cafsets) = unzip3 nodes
       cafs = Set.unions cafsets `Set.difference` Set.fromList lbls
-  oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls cafs
+  oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls False cafs
 -- | Build an SRT for a set of blocks
@@ -598,6 +599,7 @@ oneSRT
   -> LabelMap CLabel            -- which blocks are static function entry points
   -> [Label]                    -- blocks in this set
   -> [CAFLabel]                 -- labels for those blocks
+  -> Bool                       -- True <=> this SRT is for a CAF
   -> Set CAFLabel               -- SRT for this set
   -> StateT SRTMap
        (StateT ModuleSRTInfo UniqSM)
@@ -606,7 +608,7 @@ oneSRT
        , [(Label, [SRTEntry])]        -- SRTs to attach to static functions
-oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls cafs = do
+oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls isCAF cafs = do
   srtMap <- get
   topSRT <- lift get
@@ -629,9 +631,10 @@ oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls cafs = do
      (ppr cafs <+> ppr resolved <+> ppr allBelow <+> ppr filtered) $ return ()
-    updateSRTMap srtEntry = do
-      let newSRTMap = Map.fromList [(cafLbl, srtEntry) | cafLbl <- lbls]
-      put (Map.union newSRTMap srtMap)
+    updateSRTMap srtEntry =
+      when (not isCAF) $ do   -- NB. no [Shortcut] for CAFs
+        let newSRTMap = Map.fromList [(cafLbl, srtEntry) | cafLbl <- lbls]
+        put (Map.union newSRTMap srtMap)
   case Set.toList filtered of
     [] -> do

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