[commit: ghc] wip/tdammers/D4568: Discard reflexive casts during Simplify (469ce3b)

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On branch  : wip/tdammers/D4568
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/469ce3b752db7943a60dc273483c1ed15d685d44/ghc


commit 469ce3b752db7943a60dc273483c1ed15d685d44
Author: Richard Eisenberg <rae at cs.brynmawr.edu>
Date:   Fri Jan 26 22:42:46 2018 -0500

    Discard reflexive casts during Simplify
    Previously, we went to great lengths to build just the right
    reflexive casts, only to discard them shortly later. Now, just
    skip creating reflexive casts altogether.


 compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs    | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs | 27 +++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs
index 04e604e..e1eae8b 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreOpt.hs
@@ -732,9 +732,11 @@ exprIsConApp_maybe (in_scope, id_unf) expr
     go subst (Tick t expr) cont
        | not (tickishIsCode t) = go subst expr cont
     go subst (Cast expr co1) (CC args co2)
-       | Just (args', co1') <- pushCoArgs (subst_co subst co1) args
+       | Just (args', m_co1') <- pushCoArgs (subst_co subst co1) args
             -- See Note [Push coercions in exprIsConApp_maybe]
-       = go subst expr (CC args' (co1' `mkTransCo` co2))
+       = case m_co1' of
+           Just co1' -> go subst expr (CC args' (co1' `mkTransCo` co2))
+           Nothing   -> go subst expr (CC args' co2)
     go subst (App fun arg) (CC args co)
        = go subst fun (CC (subst_arg subst arg : args) co)
     go subst (Lam var body) (CC (arg:args) co)
@@ -928,36 +930,40 @@ Here we implement the "push rules" from FC papers:
   by pushing the coercion into the arguments
-pushCoArgs :: Coercion -> [CoreArg] -> Maybe ([CoreArg], Coercion)
-pushCoArgs co []         = return ([], co)
-pushCoArgs co (arg:args) = do { (arg',  co1) <- pushCoArg  co  arg
-                              ; (args', co2) <- pushCoArgs co1 args
-                              ; return (arg':args', co2) }
+pushCoArgs :: Coercion -> [CoreArg] -> Maybe ([CoreArg], Maybe Coercion)
+pushCoArgs co []         = return ([], Just co)
+pushCoArgs co (arg:args) = do { (arg',  m_co1) <- pushCoArg  co  arg
+                              ; case m_co1 of
+                                  Just co1 -> do { (args', m_co2) <- pushCoArgs co1 args
+                                                 ; return (arg':args', m_co2) }
+                                  Nothing  -> return (arg':args, Nothing) }
-pushCoArg :: Coercion -> CoreArg -> Maybe (CoreArg, Coercion)
+pushCoArg :: Coercion -> CoreArg -> Maybe (CoreArg, Maybe Coercion)
 -- We have (fun |> co) arg, and we want to transform it to
 --         (fun arg) |> co
 -- This may fail, e.g. if (fun :: N) where N is a newtype
 -- C.f. simplCast in Simplify.hs
 -- 'co' is always Representational
+-- If the returned coercion is Nothing, then it would have been reflexive
+pushCoArg co (Type ty) = do { (ty', m_co') <- pushCoTyArg co ty
+                            ; return (Type ty', m_co') }
+pushCoArg co val_arg   = do { (arg_co, m_co') <- pushCoValArg co
+                            ; return (val_arg `mkCast` arg_co, m_co') }
-pushCoArg co (Type ty) = do { (ty', co') <- pushCoTyArg co ty
-                            ; return (Type ty', co') }
-pushCoArg co val_arg   = do { (arg_co, co') <- pushCoValArg co
-                            ; return (mkCast val_arg arg_co, co') }
-pushCoTyArg :: Coercion -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Coercion)
+pushCoTyArg :: CoercionR -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Maybe CoercionR)
 -- We have (fun |> co) @ty
 -- Push the coercion through to return
 --         (fun @ty') |> co'
 -- 'co' is always Representational
+-- If the returned coercion is Nothing, then it would have been reflexive;
+-- it's faster not to compute it, though.
 pushCoTyArg co ty
   | tyL `eqType` tyR
-  = Just (ty, mkRepReflCo (piResultTy tyR ty))
+  = Just (ty, Nothing)
   | isForAllTy tyL
   = ASSERT2( isForAllTy tyR, ppr co $$ ppr ty )
-    Just (ty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo co1, co2)
+    Just (ty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo co1, Just co2)
   | otherwise
   = Nothing
@@ -977,14 +983,16 @@ pushCoTyArg co ty
         -- co2 :: ty1[ (ty|>co1)/a1 ] ~ ty2[ ty/a2 ]
         -- Arg of mkInstCo is always nominal, hence mkNomReflCo
-pushCoValArg :: Coercion -> Maybe (Coercion, Coercion)
+pushCoValArg :: Coercion -> Maybe (Coercion, Maybe Coercion)
 -- We have (fun |> co) arg
 -- Push the coercion through to return
 --         (fun (arg |> co_arg)) |> co_res
 -- 'co' is always Representational
+-- If the second returned Coercion is actually Nothing, then no cast is necessary;
+-- the returned coercion would have been reflexive.
 pushCoValArg co
   | tyL `eqType` tyR
-  = Just (mkRepReflCo arg, mkRepReflCo res)
+  = Just (mkRepReflCo arg, Nothing)
   | isFunTy tyL
   , (co1, co2) <- decomposeFunCo co
@@ -992,12 +1000,12 @@ pushCoValArg co
               -- then co1 :: tyL1 ~ tyR1
               --      co2 :: tyL2 ~ tyR2
   = ASSERT2( isFunTy tyR, ppr co $$ ppr arg )
-    Just (mkSymCo co1, co2)
+    Just (mkSymCo co1, Just co2)
   | otherwise
   = Nothing
-    (arg, res)   = splitFunTy tyR
+    (arg, _)     = splitFunTy tyR
     Pair tyL tyR = coercionKind co
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
index a60df1c..d440bbb 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
@@ -1207,23 +1207,40 @@ simplCast env body co0 cont0
         ; cont1 <- addCoerce co1 cont0
         ; simplExprF env body cont1 }
+        -- If the first parameter is Nothing, then simplifying revealed a
+        -- reflexive coercion. Omit.
+       addCoerce0 :: Maybe OutCoercion -> SimplCont -> SimplM SimplCont
+       addCoerce0 Nothing   cont = return cont
+       addCoerce0 (Just co) cont = addCoerce co cont
        addCoerce :: OutCoercion -> SimplCont -> SimplM SimplCont
+       addCoerce co cont  -- just skip reflexive casts
+         | isReflexiveCo co = {-#SCC "addCoerce-reflexive" #-}
+                              return cont
+                -- It's worth checking isReflexiveCo.
+                -- For example, in the initial form of a worker
+                -- we may find  (coerce T (coerce S (\x.e))) y
+                -- and we'd like it to simplify to e[y/x] in one round
+                -- of simplification
        addCoerce co1 (CastIt co2 cont)
          = addCoerce (mkTransCo co1 co2) cont
        addCoerce co cont@(ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_cont = tail })
-         | Just (arg_ty', co') <- pushCoTyArg co arg_ty
-         = do { tail' <- addCoerce co' tail
-              ; return (cont { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty', sc_cont = tail' }) }
+         | Just (arg_ty', m_co') <- pushCoTyArg co arg_ty
+         = case m_co' of
+             Just co' -> do { tail' <- addCoerce co' tail
+                            ; return (cont { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty', sc_cont = tail' }) }
+             Nothing  -> return cont
        addCoerce co cont@(ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = arg_se
                                 , sc_dup = dup, sc_cont = tail })
-         | Just (co1, co2) <- pushCoValArg co
+         | Just (co1, m_co2) <- pushCoValArg co
          , Pair _ new_ty <- coercionKind co1
          , not (isTypeLevPoly new_ty)  -- without this check, we get a lev-poly arg
                                        -- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants] in CoreSyn
                                        -- test: typecheck/should_run/EtaExpandLevPoly
-         = do { tail' <- addCoerce co2 tail
+         = do { tail' <- addCoerce0 m_co2 tail
               ; if isReflCo co1
                 then return (cont { sc_cont = tail' })
                      -- Avoid simplifying if possible;

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