[commit: ghc] master: Renaming and comments in CorePrep (623b8e4)

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Wed Nov 2 16:51:00 UTC 2016

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/623b8e44b1647083ff5d85ef40b7cf88870acef5/ghc


commit 623b8e44b1647083ff5d85ef40b7cf88870acef5
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 2 16:48:38 2016 +0000

    Renaming and comments in CorePrep
    In particular I renamed
      'triv' to 'arg'
      CpeTriv to CpeArg
    in Note [CorePrep invariants], with knock on consequences.
    This is groundwork for the fix to Trac #11158


 compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.hs | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.hs
index 510b178..efcf0d3 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.hs
@@ -127,17 +127,17 @@ when type erasure is done for conversion to STG, we don't end up with
 any trivial or useless bindings.
+Note [CorePrep invariants]
 Here is the syntax of the Core produced by CorePrep:
     Trivial expressions
-       triv ::= lit |  var
-              | triv ty  |  /\a. triv
-              | truv co  |  /\c. triv  |  triv |> co
+       arg ::= lit |  var
+              | arg ty  |  /\a. arg
+              | truv co  |  /\c. arg  |  arg |> co
-       app ::= lit  |  var  |  app triv  |  app ty  | app co | app |> co
+       app ::= lit  |  var  |  app arg  |  app ty  | app co | app |> co
        body ::= app
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ We define a synonym for each of these non-terminals.  Functions
 with the corresponding name produce a result in that syntax.
-type CpeTriv = CoreExpr    -- Non-terminal 'triv'
+type CpeArg  = CoreExpr    -- Non-terminal 'arg'
 type CpeApp  = CoreExpr    -- Non-terminal 'app'
 type CpeBody = CoreExpr    -- Non-terminal 'body'
 type CpeRhs  = CoreExpr    -- Non-terminal 'rhs'
@@ -649,9 +649,9 @@ rhsToBody expr = return (emptyFloats, expr)
 --              CpeApp: produces a result satisfying CpeApp
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-data CpeArg = CpeArg CoreArg
-            | CpeCast Coercion
-            | CpeTick (Tickish Id)
+data ArgInfo = CpeApp  CoreArg
+             | CpeCast Coercion
+             | CpeTick (Tickish Id)
 {- Note [runRW arg]
@@ -674,16 +674,16 @@ cpeApp top_env expr
     -- We have a nested data structure of the form
     -- e `App` a1 `App` a2 ... `App` an, convert it into
-    -- (e, [CpeArg a1, CpeArg a2, ..., CpeArg an], depth)
-    -- We use 'CpeArg' because we may also need to
+    -- (e, [CpeApp a1, CpeApp a2, ..., CpeApp an], depth)
+    -- We use 'ArgInfo' because we may also need to
     -- record casts and ticks.  Depth counts the number
     -- of arguments that would consume strictness information
     -- (so, no type or coercion arguments.)
-    collect_args :: CoreExpr -> (CoreExpr, [CpeArg], Int)
+    collect_args :: CoreExpr -> (CoreExpr, [ArgInfo], Int)
     collect_args e = go e [] 0
         go (App fun arg)      as depth
-            = go fun (CpeArg arg : as)
+            = go fun (CpeApp arg : as)
                 (if isTyCoArg arg then depth else depth + 1)
         go (Cast fun co)      as depth
             = go fun (CpeCast co : as) depth
@@ -695,10 +695,10 @@ cpeApp top_env expr
     cpe_app :: CorePrepEnv
             -> CoreExpr
-            -> [CpeArg]
+            -> [ArgInfo]
             -> Int
             -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeRhs)
-    cpe_app env (Var f) (CpeArg Type{} : CpeArg arg : args) depth
+    cpe_app env (Var f) (CpeApp Type{} : CpeApp arg : args) depth
         | f `hasKey` lazyIdKey          -- Replace (lazy a) with a, and
        || f `hasKey` noinlineIdKey      -- Replace (noinline a) with a
         -- Consider the code:
@@ -716,13 +716,13 @@ cpeApp top_env expr
         -- rather than the far superior "f x y".  Test case is par01.
         = let (terminal, args', depth') = collect_args arg
           in cpe_app env terminal (args' ++ args) (depth + depth' - 1)
-    cpe_app env (Var f) [CpeArg _runtimeRep at Type{}, CpeArg _type at Type{}, CpeArg arg] 1
+    cpe_app env (Var f) [CpeApp _runtimeRep at Type{}, CpeApp _type at Type{}, CpeApp arg] 1
         | f `hasKey` runRWKey
         -- Replace (runRW# f) by (f realWorld#), beta reducing if possible (this
         -- is why we return a CorePrepEnv as well)
         = case arg of
             Lam s body -> cpe_app (extendCorePrepEnv env s realWorldPrimId) body [] 0
-            _          -> cpe_app env arg [CpeArg (Var realWorldPrimId)] 1
+            _          -> cpe_app env arg [CpeApp (Var realWorldPrimId)] 1
     cpe_app env (Var v) args depth
       = do { v1 <- fiddleCCall v
            ; let e2 = lookupCorePrepEnv env v1
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ cpeApp top_env expr
     -- all of which are used to possibly saturate this application if it
     -- has a constructor or primop at the head.
-        :: [CpeArg]                  -- The arguments (inner to outer)
+        :: [ArgInfo]                  -- The arguments (inner to outer)
         -> CpeApp
         -> Type
         -> Floats
@@ -783,11 +783,11 @@ cpeApp top_env expr
       MASSERT(null ss) -- make sure we used all the strictness info
       return (app, floats)
     rebuild_app (a : as) fun' fun_ty floats ss = case a of
-      CpeArg arg@(Type arg_ty) ->
+      CpeApp arg@(Type arg_ty) ->
         rebuild_app as (App fun' arg) (piResultTy fun_ty arg_ty) floats ss
-      CpeArg arg@(Coercion {}) ->
+      CpeApp arg@(Coercion {}) ->
         rebuild_app as (App fun' arg) (funResultTy fun_ty) floats ss
-      CpeArg arg -> do
+      CpeApp arg -> do
         let (ss1, ss_rest)  -- See Note [lazyId magic] in MkId
                = case (ss, isLazyExpr arg) of
                    (_   : ss_rest, True)  -> (topDmd, ss_rest)
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ isLazyExpr _                       = False
 -- This is where we arrange that a non-trivial argument is let-bound
 cpeArg :: CorePrepEnv -> Demand
-       -> CoreArg -> Type -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeTriv)
+       -> CoreArg -> Type -> UniqSM (Floats, CpeArg)
 cpeArg env dmd arg arg_ty
   = do { (floats1, arg1) <- cpeRhsE env arg     -- arg1 can be a lambda
        ; (floats2, arg2) <- if want_float floats1 arg1

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