[commit: ghc] master: Refactor match to not use Unique order (9a645a1)

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Wed Jun 29 12:51:03 UTC 2016

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/9a645a1687aca21f965206f1d8c8bb23dd6410e5/ghc


commit 9a645a1687aca21f965206f1d8c8bb23dd6410e5
Author: Bartosz Nitka <niteria at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 29 03:27:49 2016 -0700

    Refactor match to not use Unique order
    Unique order can introduce nondeterminism.
    As a step towards removing the Ord Unique instance
    I've refactored the code to use deterministic sets instead.
    Test Plan: ./validate
    Reviewers: simonmar, austin, bgamari
    Subscribers: thomie
    Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D2369
    GHC Trac Issues: #4012


 compiler/deSugar/Match.hs | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs
index fc70cc6..ecbed46 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ import Util
 import Name
 import Outputable
 import BasicTypes ( isGenerated )
+import Unique
+import UniqDFM
 import Control.Monad( when, unless )
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
@@ -196,9 +198,9 @@ match vars@(v:_) ty eqns    -- Eqns *can* be empty
     match_group [] = panic "match_group"
     match_group eqns@((group,_) : _)
         = case group of
-            PgCon {}  -> matchConFamily  vars ty (subGroup [(c,e) | (PgCon c, e) <- eqns])
+            PgCon {}  -> matchConFamily  vars ty (subGroupUniq [(c,e) | (PgCon c, e) <- eqns])
             PgSyn {}  -> matchPatSyn     vars ty (dropGroup eqns)
-            PgLit {}  -> matchLiterals   vars ty (subGroup [(l,e) | (PgLit l, e) <- eqns])
+            PgLit {}  -> matchLiterals   vars ty (subGroupOrd [(l,e) | (PgLit l, e) <- eqns])
             PgAny     -> matchVariables  vars ty (dropGroup eqns)
             PgN {}    -> matchNPats      vars ty (dropGroup eqns)
             PgNpK {}  -> matchNPlusKPats vars ty (dropGroup eqns)
@@ -809,22 +811,34 @@ groupEquations dflags eqns
     same_gp :: (PatGroup,EquationInfo) -> (PatGroup,EquationInfo) -> Bool
     (pg1,_) `same_gp` (pg2,_) = pg1 `sameGroup` pg2
-subGroup :: Ord a => [(a, EquationInfo)] -> [[EquationInfo]]
+subGroup :: (m -> [[EquationInfo]]) -- Map.elems
+         -> m -- Map.empty
+         -> (a -> m -> Maybe [EquationInfo]) -- Map.lookup
+         -> (a -> [EquationInfo] -> m -> m) -- Map.insert
+         -> [(a, EquationInfo)] -> [[EquationInfo]]
 -- Input is a particular group.  The result sub-groups the
 -- equations by with particular constructor, literal etc they match.
 -- Each sub-list in the result has the same PatGroup
 -- See Note [Take care with pattern order]
-subGroup group
-    = map reverse $ Map.elems $ foldl accumulate Map.empty group
+-- Parameterized by map operations to allow different implementations
+-- and constraints, eg. types without Ord instance.
+subGroup elems empty lookup insert group
+    = map reverse $ elems $ foldl accumulate empty group
     accumulate pg_map (pg, eqn)
-      = case Map.lookup pg pg_map of
-          Just eqns -> Map.insert pg (eqn:eqns) pg_map
-          Nothing   -> Map.insert pg [eqn]      pg_map
+      = case lookup pg pg_map of
+          Just eqns -> insert pg (eqn:eqns) pg_map
+          Nothing   -> insert pg [eqn]      pg_map
     -- pg_map :: Map a [EquationInfo]
     -- Equations seen so far in reverse order of appearance
+subGroupOrd :: Ord a => [(a, EquationInfo)] -> [[EquationInfo]]
+subGroupOrd = subGroup Map.elems Map.empty Map.lookup Map.insert
+subGroupUniq :: Uniquable a => [(a, EquationInfo)] -> [[EquationInfo]]
+subGroupUniq =
+  subGroup eltsUDFM emptyUDFM (flip lookupUDFM) (\k v m -> addToUDFM m k v)
 {- Note [Pattern synonym groups]
 If we see

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