[commit: packages/bytestring] ghc-head: Add tests for the ShortByteString (5a86aa7)

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On branch  : ghc-head
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/bytestring.git/commitdiff/5a86aa70a76c06444200253e5a9da97c1116bec1


commit 5a86aa70a76c06444200253e5a9da97c1116bec1
Author: Duncan Coutts <duncan at community.haskell.org>
Date:   Tue Sep 17 12:30:31 2013 +0100

    Add tests for the ShortByteString


 tests/Properties.hs                            |   92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/builder/Data/ByteString/Builder/Tests.hs |    7 ++
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index 7d8c33b..9f60552 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString            as P
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal   as P
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe     as P
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as C
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Short      as Short
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as D
@@ -1739,6 +1740,95 @@ prop_isSpaceWord8 (w :: Word8) = isSpace c == P.isSpaceChar8 c
+-- ByteString.Short
+prop_short_pack_unpack xs =
+    (Short.unpack . Short.pack) xs == xs
+prop_short_toShort_fromShort bs =
+    (Short.fromShort . Short.toShort) bs == bs
+prop_short_toShort_unpack bs =
+    (Short.unpack . Short.toShort) bs == P.unpack bs
+prop_short_pack_fromShort xs =
+    (Short.fromShort . Short.pack) xs == P.pack xs
+prop_short_empty =
+    Short.empty == Short.toShort P.empty
+ && Short.empty == Short.pack []
+ && Short.null (Short.toShort P.empty)
+ && Short.null (Short.pack [])
+ && Short.null Short.empty
+prop_short_null_toShort bs =
+    P.null bs == Short.null (Short.toShort bs)
+prop_short_null_pack xs =
+    null xs == Short.null (Short.pack xs)
+prop_short_length_toShort bs =
+    P.length bs == Short.length (Short.toShort bs)
+prop_short_length_pack xs =
+    length xs == Short.length (Short.pack xs)
+prop_short_index_pack xs =
+    all (\i -> Short.pack xs `Short.index` i == xs !! i)
+        [0 .. length xs - 1]
+prop_short_index_toShort bs =
+    all (\i -> Short.toShort bs `Short.index` i == bs `P.index` i)
+        [0 .. P.length bs - 1]
+prop_short_eq xs ys =
+    (xs == ys) == (Short.pack xs == Short.pack ys)
+prop_short_ord xs ys =
+    (xs `compare` ys) == (Short.pack xs `compare` Short.pack ys)
+prop_short_mappend_empty_empty =
+    Short.empty `mappend` Short.empty  == Short.empty
+prop_short_mappend_empty xs =
+    Short.empty `mappend` Short.pack xs == Short.pack xs
+ && Short.pack xs `mappend` Short.empty == Short.pack xs
+prop_short_mappend xs ys =
+    (xs `mappend` ys) == Short.unpack (Short.pack xs `mappend` Short.pack ys)
+prop_short_mconcat xss =
+    mconcat xss == Short.unpack (mconcat (map Short.pack xss))
+prop_short_fromString s =
+    fromString s == Short.fromShort (fromString s)
+prop_short_show xs =
+    show (Short.pack xs) == show (map P.w2c xs)
+prop_short_show' xs =
+    show (Short.pack xs) == show (P.pack xs)
+prop_short_read xs =
+    read (show (Short.pack xs)) == Short.pack xs
+short_tests =
+    [ testProperty "pack/unpack"              prop_short_pack_unpack
+    , testProperty "toShort/fromShort"        prop_short_toShort_fromShort
+    , testProperty "toShort/unpack"           prop_short_toShort_unpack
+    , testProperty "pack/fromShort"           prop_short_pack_fromShort
+    , testProperty "empty"                    prop_short_empty
+    , testProperty "null/toShort"             prop_short_null_toShort
+    , testProperty "null/pack"                prop_short_null_pack
+    , testProperty "length/toShort"           prop_short_length_toShort
+    , testProperty "length/pack"              prop_short_length_pack
+    , testProperty "index/pack"               prop_short_index_pack
+    , testProperty "index/toShort"            prop_short_index_toShort
+    , testProperty "Eq"                       prop_short_eq
+    , testProperty "Ord"                      prop_short_ord
+    , testProperty "mappend/empty/empty"      prop_short_mappend_empty_empty
+    , testProperty "mappend/empty"            prop_short_mappend_empty
+    , testProperty "mappend"                  prop_short_mappend
+    , testProperty "mconcat"                  prop_short_mconcat
+    , testProperty "fromString"               prop_short_fromString
+    , testProperty "show"                     prop_short_show
+    , testProperty "show'"                    prop_short_show'
+    , testProperty "read"                     prop_short_read
+    ]
 -- The entry point
 main :: IO ()
@@ -1756,6 +1846,7 @@ tests = misc_tests
      ++ bb_tests
      ++ ll_tests
      ++ io_tests
+     ++ short_tests
      ++ rules
@@ -2480,3 +2571,4 @@ ll_tests =
     , testProperty "concatMap"          prop_concatMap
     , testProperty "isSpace"            prop_isSpaceWord8
diff --git a/tests/builder/Data/ByteString/Builder/Tests.hs b/tests/builder/Data/ByteString/Builder/Tests.hs
index 0c0fdf3..1be1826 100644
--- a/tests/builder/Data/ByteString/Builder/Tests.hs
+++ b/tests/builder/Data/ByteString/Builder/Tests.hs
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import           Data.Foldable (asum, foldMap)
 import qualified Data.ByteString          as S
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as L
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Short    as Sh
 import           Data.ByteString.Builder
 import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra
@@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ data Mode =
 data Action =
        SBS Mode S.ByteString
      | LBS Mode L.ByteString
+     | ShBS Sh.ShortByteString
      | W8  Word8
      | W8S [Word8]
      | String String
@@ -213,6 +215,7 @@ renderRecipe (Recipe _ firstSize _ cont as) =
     renderAction (SBS _ bs)     = tell $ D.fromList $ S.unpack bs
     renderAction (LBS Hex lbs)  = tell $ foldMap hexWord8 $ L.unpack lbs
     renderAction (LBS _ lbs)    = tell $ renderLBS lbs
+    renderAction (ShBS sbs)     = tell $ D.fromList $ Sh.unpack sbs
     renderAction (W8 w)         = tell $ return w
     renderAction (W8S ws)       = tell $ D.fromList ws
     renderAction (String cs)    = tell $ foldMap (D.fromList . charUtf8_list) cs
@@ -240,6 +243,7 @@ buildAction (LBS Smart lbs)         = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteString lbs
 buildAction (LBS Copy lbs)          = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteStringCopy lbs
 buildAction (LBS Insert lbs)        = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteStringInsert lbs
 buildAction (LBS (Threshold i) lbs) = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteStringThreshold i lbs
+buildAction (ShBS sbs)              = lift $ putBuilder $ shortByteString sbs
 buildAction (W8 w)                  = lift $ putBuilder $ word8 w
 buildAction (W8S ws)                = lift $ putBuilder $ BP.primMapListFixed BP.word8 ws
 buildAction (String cs)             = lift $ putBuilder $ stringUtf8 cs
@@ -301,6 +305,7 @@ instance Arbitrary Action where
     arbitrary = oneof
       [ SBS <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
       , LBS <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+      , ShBS . Sh.toShort <$> arbitrary
       , W8  <$> arbitrary
       , W8S <$> listOf arbitrary
         -- ensure that larger character codes are also tested
@@ -320,6 +325,8 @@ instance Arbitrary Action where
     shrink (LBS m lbs) =
       (LBS <$> shrink m <*> pure lbs) <|>
       (LBS <$> pure m   <*> shrink lbs)
+    shrink (ShBS sbs) =
+      ShBS . Sh.toShort <$> shrink (Sh.fromShort sbs)
     shrink (W8 w)         = W8 <$> shrink w
     shrink (W8S ws)       = W8S <$> shrink ws
     shrink (String cs)    = String <$> shrink cs

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