[commit: ghc] wip/nested-cpr: Loop breakers are not allowed to have a Converges DmdResult (aca5a26)

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Thu Nov 28 15:52:40 UTC 2013

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On branch  : wip/nested-cpr
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/aca5a26de71b10db88ea329725806f9c79a1589f/ghc


commit aca5a26de71b10db88ea329725806f9c79a1589f
Author: Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>
Date:   Tue Nov 26 10:18:35 2013 +0000

    Loop breakers are not allowed to have a Converges DmdResult


 compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs |   18 +++++++++++-------
 compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs   |    5 ++++-
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs
index 3851da9..be6058d 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.lhs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module Demand (
         trimCPRInfo, returnsCPR, returnsCPR_maybe,
         StrictSig(..), mkStrictSig, topSig, botSig, cprProdSig,
         isTopSig, splitStrictSig, increaseStrictSigArity,
+        sigMayConverge,
         seqDemand, seqDemandList, seqDmdType, seqStrictSig, 
@@ -812,15 +813,11 @@ botRes = Diverges
 maxCPRDepth :: Int
 maxCPRDepth = 3
--- With nested CPR, DmdResult can be arbitrarily deep; consider 
--- data Rec1 = Foo Rec2 Rec2
--- data Rec2 = Bar Rec1 Rec1
--- x = Foo y y
--- y = Bar x x
+-- With nested CPR, DmdResult can be arbitrarily deep; consider e.g. the
+-- DmdResult of repeat
 -- So we need to forget information at a certain depth. We do that at all points
--- where we are constructing new RetCon constructors.
+-- where we are building RetCon constructors.
 cutDmdResult :: Int -> DmdResult -> DmdResult
 cutDmdResult 0 _ = topRes
 cutDmdResult _ Diverges = Diverges
@@ -831,6 +828,10 @@ cutCPRResult :: Int -> CPRResult -> CPRResult
 cutCPRResult _ NoCPR = NoCPR
 cutCPRResult n (RetCon tag rs) = RetCon tag (map (cutDmdResult (n-1)) rs)
+-- Forget that something might converge for sure
+divergeDmdResult :: DmdResult -> DmdResult
+divergeDmdResult r = r `lubDmdResult` botRes
 cprConRes :: ConTag -> [DmdType] -> CPRResult
 cprConRes tag arg_tys
   | opt_CprOff = NoCPR
@@ -1345,6 +1346,9 @@ botSig = StrictSig botDmdType
 cprProdSig :: Arity -> StrictSig
 cprProdSig arity = StrictSig (cprProdDmdType arity)
+sigMayConverge :: StrictSig -> StrictSig
+sigMayConverge (StrictSig (DmdType env ds res)) = (StrictSig (DmdType env ds (divergeDmdResult res)))
 argsOneShots :: StrictSig -> Arity -> [[Bool]]
 argsOneShots (StrictSig (DmdType _ arg_ds _)) n_val_args
   | arg_ds `lengthExceeds` n_val_args
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
index a9b2071..59018ac 100644
--- a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
@@ -1094,7 +1094,10 @@ updSigEnv env sigs = env { ae_sigs = sigs }
 extendAnalEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> AnalEnv -> Id -> StrictSig -> AnalEnv
 extendAnalEnv top_lvl env var sig
-  = env { ae_sigs = extendSigEnv top_lvl (ae_sigs env) var sig }
+  = env { ae_sigs = extendSigEnv top_lvl (ae_sigs env) var sig' }
+  where
+  sig' | isWeakLoopBreaker (idOccInfo var) = sigMayConverge sig
+       | otherwise                         = sig
 extendSigEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> SigEnv -> Id -> StrictSig -> SigEnv
 extendSigEnv top_lvl sigs var sig = extendVarEnv sigs var (sig, top_lvl)

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