[commit: ghc] master: Fix a subtle bug in kind-mis-matched equalities (Trac #6068) (dff0e99)

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Fri Nov 15 12:29:17 UTC 2013

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/dff0e99d37f3529041bb2bb66ffda1ea22af14e0/ghc


commit dff0e99d37f3529041bb2bb66ffda1ea22af14e0
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 15 11:50:19 2013 +0000

    Fix a subtle bug in kind-mis-matched equalities (Trac #6068)
    When we have an equality constraint where the LHS and RHS
    have ill-matched kinds, it get turned into a CIrredEvCan
    because a CTyEqCan/CFunEqCan are guaranteed kind-compatible.
    But that in turn led to a bug because in the constraint
        c  =  (a:k1) ~ (b:k2)
    the kind variables k1 and k2 don't show up in tyVarsOfType c.
    Why not?  Because it looks like
        (~) k1 (a:k1) (b:k2)
    Maybe (~) should have two kind arguments?  That seemed
    like too big a change for not (we wait for NoKinds), so
    this patch fixes the bug for now.


 compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs |   25 ++++++++--------
 compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs  |   58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
index ad3b13b..8978878 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
@@ -381,19 +381,18 @@ canIrred d ev
   = do { let ty = ctEvPred ev
        ; traceTcS "can_pred" (text "IrredPred = " <+> ppr ty)
        ; (xi,co) <- flatten d FMFullFlatten ev ty -- co :: xi ~ ty
-       ; let no_flattening = xi `eqType` ty
-             -- We can't use isTcReflCo, because even if the coercion is
-             -- Refl, the output type might have had a substitution
-             -- applied to it.  For example  'a' might now be 'C b'
-       ; if no_flattening then
-           continueWith $
-           CIrredEvCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_loc = d }
-         else do
-       { mb <- rewriteCtFlavor ev xi co
-       ; case mb of
-             Just new_ev -> canEvNC d new_ev  -- Re-classify and try again
-             Nothing     -> return Stop } }   -- Found a cached copy
+       ; mb <- rewriteCtFlavor ev xi co
+       ; case mb of {
+             Nothing     -> return Stop ;
+             Just new_ev -> 
+    do { -- Re-classify, in case flattening has improved its shape
+       ; case classifyPredType (ctEvPred new_ev) of
+           ClassPred cls tys -> canClassNC d ev cls tys
+           EqPred ty1 ty2    -> canEqNC    d ev ty1 ty2
+           TuplePred tys     -> canTuple   d ev tys
+           IrredPred {}      -> continueWith $
+                                CIrredEvCan { cc_ev = new_ev, cc_loc = d } } } }
 canHole :: CtLoc -> CtEvidence -> OccName -> TcS StopOrContinue
 canHole d ev occ
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
index 2484958..beb8a9e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
@@ -770,22 +770,21 @@ kickOutRewritable new_ev new_tv
                                                    `andCts` insols_out) }
     (tv_eqs_out,  tv_eqs_in) = foldVarEnv kick_out_eqs ([], emptyVarEnv) tv_eqs
-    (feqs_out,   feqs_in)    = partitionFunEqs  kick_out_ct funeqmap
-    (dicts_out,  dicts_in)   = partitionDicts   kick_out_ct dictmap
-    (irs_out,    irs_in)     = partitionBag     kick_out_ct irreds
-    (insols_out, insols_in)  = partitionBag     kick_out_ct insols
+    (feqs_out,   feqs_in)    = partitionFunEqs  kick_out_ct    funeqmap
+    (dicts_out,  dicts_in)   = partitionDicts   kick_out_ct    dictmap
+    (irs_out,    irs_in)     = partitionBag     kick_out_irred irreds
+    (insols_out, insols_in)  = partitionBag     kick_out_ct    insols
       -- Kick out even insolubles; see Note [Kick out insolubles]
-    kick_out_ct inert_ct = new_ev `canRewrite` ctEvidence inert_ct &&
-                          (new_tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfCt inert_ct)
-                    -- NB: tyVarsOfCt will return the type
-                    --     variables /and the kind variables/ that are
-                    --     directly visible in the type. Hence we will
-                    --     have exposed all the rewriting we care about
-                    --     to make the most precise kinds visible for
-                    --     matching classes etc. No need to kick out
-                    --     constraints that mention type variables whose
-                    --     kinds could contain this variable!
+    kick_out_ct :: Ct -> Bool
+    kick_out_ct ct =  new_ev `canRewrite` ctEvidence ct
+                   && new_tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfCt ct
+         -- See Note [Kicking out inert constraints]
+    kick_out_irred :: Ct -> Bool
+    kick_out_irred ct =  new_ev `canRewrite` ctEvidence ct
+                      && new_tv `elemVarSet` closeOverKinds (tyVarsOfCt ct)
+          -- See Note [Kicking out Irreds]
     kick_out_eqs :: EqualCtList -> ([Ct], TyVarEnv EqualCtList) 
                  -> ([Ct], TyVarEnv EqualCtList)
@@ -810,6 +809,37 @@ kickOutRewritable new_ev new_tv
     kick_out_eq other_ct = pprPanic "kick_out_eq" (ppr other_ct)
+Note [Kicking out inert constraints]
+Given a new (a -> ty) inert, wewant to kick out an existing inert
+constraint if
+  a) the new constraint can rewrite the inert one
+  b) 'a' is free in the inert constraint (so that it *will*)
+     rewrite it if we kick it out.
+For (b) we use tyVarsOfCt, which returns the type variables /and
+the kind variables/ that are directly visible in the type. Hence we
+will have exposed all the rewriting we care about to make the most
+precise kinds visible for matching classes etc. No need to kick out
+constraints that mention type variables whose kinds contain this
+variable!  (Except see Note [Kicking out Irreds].)
+Note [Kicking out Irreds]
+There is an awkward special case for Irreds.  When we have a
+kind-mis-matched equality constraint (a:k1) ~ (ty:k2), we turn it into
+an Irred (see Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in
+TcCanonical). So in this case the free kind variables of k1 and k2
+are not visible.  More precisely, the type looks like
+   (~) k1 (a:k1) (ty:k2)
+because (~) has kind forall k. k -> k -> Constraint.  So the constraint
+itself is ill-kinded.  We can "see" k1 but not k2.  That's why we use
+closeOverKinds to make sure we see k2.
+This is not pretty. Maybe (~) should have kind 
+   (~) :: forall k1 k1. k1 -> k2 -> Constraint
 Note [Kick out insolubles]
 Suppose we have an insoluble alpha ~ [alpha], which is insoluble

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