[commit: ghc] ghc-lwc2: Fixed swapMVar. Added INLINE directives for LwConc functions. (acd3898)

Sivaramakrishnan Krishnamoorthy Chandrasekaran t-sichan at microsoft.com
Sun Mar 3 22:34:38 CET 2013

Repository : http://darcs.haskell.org/ghc.git/

On branch  : ghc-lwc2



commit acd3898860711483070574a1d8a108f26ee8ff16
Author: KC Sivaramakrishnan <chandras at cs.purdue.edu>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 19:32:44 2013 -0500

    Fixed swapMVar. Added INLINE directives for LwConc functions.


 libraries/base/LwConc/Substrate.hs    |  5 +++++
 libraries/lwconc/LwConc/Concurrent.hs |  5 ++++-
 libraries/lwconc/LwConc/MVar.hs       | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 rts/PrimOps.cmm                       |  4 ++++
 tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile       |  2 +-
 tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs   | 11 ++++------
 6 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libraries/base/LwConc/Substrate.hs b/libraries/base/LwConc/Substrate.hs
index dab0b48..93c3f1c 100644
--- a/libraries/base/LwConc/Substrate.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/LwConc/Substrate.hs
@@ -279,11 +279,13 @@ writePVar (PVar tvar#) val = PTM $ \s1# ->
 newtype ResumeToken = ResumeToken (PVar Bool)
+{-# INLINE newResumeToken #-}
 newResumeToken :: PTM ResumeToken
 newResumeToken = do
   t <- newPVar True
   return $ ResumeToken t
+{-# INLINE isResumeTokenValid #-}
 isResumeTokenValid :: ResumeToken -> PTM Bool
 isResumeTokenValid (ResumeToken t) = do
   v <- readPVar t
@@ -329,6 +331,7 @@ setSContSwitchReason :: SCont -> SContSwitchReason -> PTM ()
 setSContSwitchReason s reason = do
   setSContStatus s $ SContSwitched reason
+{-# INLINE initSContStatus #-}
 initSContStatus :: SContStatus
 initSContStatus = SContSwitched Yielded
@@ -388,10 +391,12 @@ getSContId (SCont sc) = PTM $ \s ->
 -- SCont-local Storage (SLS)
+{-# INLINE setSLS #-}
 setSLS :: SCont -> Dynamic -> IO ()
 setSLS (SCont sc) v = IO $ \s ->
   case setSLS# sc v s of s -> (# s, () #)
+{-# INLINE getSLS #-}
 getSLS :: SCont -> PTM Dynamic
 getSLS (SCont sc) = PTM $ \s -> getSLS# sc s
diff --git a/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/Concurrent.hs b/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/Concurrent.hs
index 2e05e1c..b0a5333 100644
--- a/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/Concurrent.hs
+++ b/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/Concurrent.hs
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Data.Dynamic
 -- The scheduler data structure has one (PVar (Seq SCont)) for every capability.
 newtype Sched = Sched (Array Int (PVar (Seq SCont)))
+{-# INLINE yieldControlAction #-}
 yieldControlAction :: Sched -> PTM ()
 yieldControlAction (Sched pa) = do
   -- Fetch current capability's scheduler
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ yieldControlAction (Sched pa) = do
       writePVar ref tl
       switchTo x
+{-# INLINE scheduleSContAction #-}
 scheduleSContAction :: Sched -> SCont -> PTM ()
 scheduleSContAction (Sched pa) sc = do
   -- Since we are making the given scont runnable, update its status to Yielded.
@@ -66,7 +68,6 @@ scheduleSContAction (Sched pa) sc = do
   writePVar ref $ contents |> sc
 newSched :: IO (Sched)
 newSched = do
   -- This token will be used to spawn in a round-robin fashion on different
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ newCapability = do
 data SContKind = Bound | Unbound
+{-# INLINE fork #-}
 fork :: IO () -> SContKind -> IO SCont
 fork task kind = do
   currentSC <- getSContIO
@@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ fork task kind = do
   return newSC
+{-# INLINE forkOS #-}
 forkIO :: IO () -> IO SCont
 forkIO task = fork task Unbound
diff --git a/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/MVar.hs b/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/MVar.hs
index e8305ae..9b76f50 100644
--- a/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/MVar.hs
+++ b/libraries/lwconc/LwConc/MVar.hs
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module LwConc.MVar
 , putMVar       -- MVar a -> a -> IO ()
 , asyncPutMVar  -- MVar a -> a -> PTM ()
 , takeMVar      -- MVar a -> IO a
+, takeMVarWithHole -- MVar a -> IORef a -> IO a
 , readMVar      -- MVar a -> a
 , swapMVar      -- MVar a -> a -> IO a
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
 import GHC.IORef
 newtype MVar a = MVar (PVar (MVPState a)) deriving (Eq)
-data MVPState a = Full a (Seq.Seq (a, PTM()))
-                | Empty (Seq.Seq (IORef a, PTM()))
+data MVPState a = Full a !(Seq.Seq (a, PTM()))
+                | Empty !(Seq.Seq (IORef a, PTM()))
 newMVar :: a -> IO (MVar a)
@@ -97,8 +98,9 @@ swapMVar (MVar ref) newValue = do
            unblockAct <- getScheduleSContAction
            token <- newResumeToken
            let wakeup = do {
-             oldValue <- unsafeIOToPTM $ readIORef hole;
-             -- put value back into the MVar
+             -- put new value into the MVar. MVar behavior assures that the
+             -- MVar ref will be empty with 0 or more pending readers. Hence,
+             -- this call wouldn't block.
              putMVarPTM (MVar ref) newValue;
              -- Should I resume?
              v <- isResumeTokenValid token;
@@ -110,7 +112,19 @@ swapMVar (MVar ref) newValue = do
            writePVar ref $ Empty $ ts Seq.|> (hole, wakeup)
            setSContSwitchReason sc $ BlockedInHaskell token
-         Full x _ -> unsafeIOToPTM $ writeIORef hole x
+         Full x (Seq.viewl -> Seq.EmptyL) -> do
+           -- First take the old value
+           writePVar ref $ Empty Seq.empty
+           unsafeIOToPTM $ writeIORef hole x
+           -- Now put the new value in
+           putMVarPTM (MVar ref) newValue
+         Full x (Seq.viewl -> (x', wakeup) Seq.:< ts) -> do
+           -- First take the old value
+           writePVar ref $ Full x' ts
+           unsafeIOToPTM $ writeIORef hole x
+           wakeup
+           -- Now put the new value in
+           putMVarPTM (MVar ref) newValue
   readIORef hole
@@ -160,11 +174,9 @@ putMVarPTM (MVar ref) x = do
 putMVar :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
 putMVar mv x = atomically $ putMVarPTM mv x
-{-# INLINE takeMVar #-}
-takeMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
-takeMVar (MVar ref) = do
-  hole <- newIORef undefined
+{-# INLINE takeMVarWithHole #-}
+takeMVarWithHole :: MVar a -> IORef a -> IO a
+takeMVarWithHole (MVar ref) hole = do
   atomically $ do
     st <- readPVar ref
     case st of
@@ -191,3 +203,9 @@ takeMVar (MVar ref) = do
            unsafeIOToPTM $ writeIORef hole x
   readIORef hole
+{-# INLINE takeMVar #-}
+takeMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
+takeMVar m = do
+  hole <- newIORef undefined
+  takeMVarWithHole m hole
diff --git a/rts/PrimOps.cmm b/rts/PrimOps.cmm
index d341c8e..6f78bd4 100644
--- a/rts/PrimOps.cmm
+++ b/rts/PrimOps.cmm
@@ -865,6 +865,10 @@ stg_newSContzh ( gcptr closure )
 				closure "ptr");
   StgTSO_why_blocked (threadid) = Yielded::I16;
+  // context switch soon, but not immediately: we don't want every
+  // newSCont to force a context-switch.
+  Capability_context_switch(MyCapability()) = 1 :: CInt;
   return (threadid);
diff --git a/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile
index 2b8ba3d..fb82a68 100644
--- a/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile
+++ b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ TARGET := sieve-vanilla.bin sieve-lwc.bin
 include ../../config.mk
 TOP := ../../../
-GHC_OPTS_EXTRA=-threaded -XBangPatterns -prof
+GHC_OPTS_EXTRA=-XBangPatterns -O2 -prof -threaded
 all: $(TARGET)
diff --git a/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs
index c837b6c..6c46282 100644
--- a/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs
+++ b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs
@@ -5,16 +5,12 @@ import LwConc.Concurrent
 import LwConc.Substrate
 import LwConc.MVar
 import System.Environment
+import Data.IORef
 initSched = do
   n <- getNumCapabilities
-  spawnScheds $ n-1
-  where
-    spawnScheds 0 = return ()
-    spawnScheds n = do
-      newCapability
-      spawnScheds (n-1)
+  replicateM_ (n-1) newCapability
 -- Map over [2..] (2 until infinity), putting the value in mOut. The putting operation will block until
 -- mOut is empty. mOut will become empty when some other thread executes takeMVar (getting its value).
@@ -23,7 +19,8 @@ generate mOut = mapM_ (putMVar mOut) [2..]
 -- Take a value from mIn, divide it by a prime, if the remainder is not 0, put the value in mOut.
 primeFilter :: MVar Int -> MVar Int -> Int -> IO ()
-primeFilter mIn mOut prime = forever $ do
+primeFilter mIn mOut prime = do
+  forever $ do
     i <- takeMVar mIn
     when (i `mod` prime /= 0) (putMVar mOut i)

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