[commit: ghc] ghc-lwc2: Added sieve test. Minor edits in RTS files. (2a554ca)

Sivaramakrishnan Krishnamoorthy Chandrasekaran t-sichan at microsoft.com
Sat Mar 2 06:36:43 CET 2013

Repository : http://darcs.haskell.org/ghc.git/

On branch  : ghc-lwc2



commit 2a554cab41fff86a61c947283b83a2caa93a4e6a
Author: KC Sivaramakrishnan <chandras at cs.purdue.edu>
Date:   Sat Mar 2 00:36:11 2013 -0500

    Added sieve test. Minor edits in RTS files.


 rts/PrimOps.cmm                         |  2 ++
 rts/Schedule.c                          | 39 +++++++++++++------------
 rts/Threads.c                           |  4 ---
 tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile         |  8 ++++++
 tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs     | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-vanilla.hs | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rts/PrimOps.cmm b/rts/PrimOps.cmm
index db9c3cb..d341c8e 100644
--- a/rts/PrimOps.cmm
+++ b/rts/PrimOps.cmm
@@ -726,6 +726,8 @@ again: MAYBE_GC(again);
       //  - tso might be bound, or current task might be bound in which case we
       //    need to pass capability to correct task
       //  - task might have returned from a safe foreign call
+			//	- Pending upcalls
+			//	- and more..
       jump stg_switch_noregs [];
     } else {
       /* Transaction was not valid: try again */
diff --git a/rts/Schedule.c b/rts/Schedule.c
index 84de8b8..b9b453e 100644
--- a/rts/Schedule.c
+++ b/rts/Schedule.c
@@ -455,29 +455,28 @@ run_thread:
-    switch (recent_activity)
-    {
-    case ACTIVITY_DONE_GC: {
-        // ACTIVITY_DONE_GC means we turned off the timer signal to
-        // conserve power (see #1623).  Re-enable it here.
-        nat prev;
-        prev = xchg((P_)&recent_activity, ACTIVITY_YES);
-        if (prev == ACTIVITY_DONE_GC) {
+        switch (recent_activity) {
+        case ACTIVITY_DONE_GC: {
+            // ACTIVITY_DONE_GC means we turned off the timer signal to
+            // conserve power (see #1623).  Re-enable it here.
+            nat prev;
+            prev = xchg((P_)&recent_activity, ACTIVITY_YES);
+            if (prev == ACTIVITY_DONE_GC) {
 #ifndef PROFILING
-            startTimer();
+                startTimer();
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        case ACTIVITY_INACTIVE:
+            // If we reached ACTIVITY_INACTIVE, then don't reset it until
+            // we've done the GC.  The thread running here might just be
+            // the IO manager thread that handle_tick() woke up via
+            // wakeUpRts().
+            break;
+        default:
+            recent_activity = ACTIVITY_YES;
-        break;
-    }
-        // If we reached ACTIVITY_INACTIVE, then don't reset it until
-        // we've done the GC.  The thread running here might just be
-        // the IO manager thread that handle_tick() woke up via
-        // wakeUpRts().
-        break;
-    default:
-        recent_activity = ACTIVITY_YES;
-    }
         traceEventRunThread(cap, t);
diff --git a/rts/Threads.c b/rts/Threads.c
index 546b3be..25ebfc5 100644
--- a/rts/Threads.c
+++ b/rts/Threads.c
@@ -345,8 +345,6 @@ unblock1:
    * But is this correct? */
     goto unblock2;
-  debugTrace (DEBUG_sched, "tryWakeupThread: unblocking thread %d through unblock1",
-              (int)tso->id);
   tso->why_blocked = Yielded;
   pushUpcallReturning (cap, getResumeThreadUpcall (cap, tso));
@@ -354,8 +352,6 @@ unblock1:
   // just run the thread now, if the BH is not really available,
   // we'll block again.
-  debugTrace (DEBUG_sched, "tryWakeupThread: unblocking thread %d through unblock2",
-              (int)tso->id);
   tso->why_blocked = NotBlocked;
diff --git a/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f32dfca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+TARGET := sieve-vanilla.bin sieve-lwc.bin
+include ../../config.mk
+TOP := ../../../
+GHC_OPTS_EXTRA=-threaded -XBangPatterns -prof -auto-all
+all: $(TARGET)
diff --git a/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c837b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-lwc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+-- Compile with `ghc -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N concurrent_sieve.hs`
+import Control.Monad
+import LwConc.Concurrent
+import LwConc.Substrate
+import LwConc.MVar
+import System.Environment
+initSched = do
+  newSched
+  n <- getNumCapabilities
+  spawnScheds $ n-1
+  where
+    spawnScheds 0 = return ()
+    spawnScheds n = do
+      newCapability
+      spawnScheds (n-1)
+-- Map over [2..] (2 until infinity), putting the value in mOut. The putting operation will block until
+-- mOut is empty. mOut will become empty when some other thread executes takeMVar (getting its value).
+generate :: MVar Int -> IO ()
+generate mOut = mapM_ (putMVar mOut) [2..]
+-- Take a value from mIn, divide it by a prime, if the remainder is not 0, put the value in mOut.
+primeFilter :: MVar Int -> MVar Int -> Int -> IO ()
+primeFilter mIn mOut prime = forever $ do
+    i <- takeMVar mIn
+    when (i `mod` prime /= 0) (putMVar mOut i)
+-- Take the first commandline argument and call it numArg.
+-- Create a new mVar and call it mIn and spawn a thread that runs generate on mIn.
+-- Read numArg as an integer value, and run newEmptyMVar that amount of times,
+-- calling the result out.
+-- Fold over the elements of out, with the function linkFilter, having mIn as the first value.
+main = do initSched
+          numArg:_ <- getArgs
+          mIn <- newEmptyMVar
+          forkIO $ generate mIn
+          out <- replicateM (read numArg) newEmptyMVar
+          foldM_ linkFilter mIn out
+-- Take a value from mIn, and call it prime. Then show that prime. Make a new thread that
+-- runs primeFilter with mIn, mOut and the prime. When this function is used as a fold
+-- function, mOut becomes the mIn of the next iteration.
+linkFilter :: MVar Int -> MVar Int -> IO (MVar Int)
+linkFilter mIn mOut = do prime <- takeMVar mIn
+                         putStrLn $ show prime
+                         forkIO $ primeFilter mIn mOut prime
+                         return mOut
diff --git a/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-vanilla.hs b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-vanilla.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aa410c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Benchmarks/Sieve/sieve-vanilla.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- Compile with `ghc -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N concurrent_sieve.hs`
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Monad
+import System.Environment
+-- Map over [2..] (2 until infinity), putting the value in mOut. The putting operation will block until
+-- mOut is empty. mOut will become empty when some other thread executes takeMVar (getting its value).
+generate :: MVar Int -> IO ()
+generate mOut = mapM_ (putMVar mOut) [2..]
+-- Take a value from mIn, divide it by a prime, if the remainder is not 0, put the value in mOut.
+primeFilter :: MVar Int -> MVar Int -> Int -> IO ()
+primeFilter mIn mOut prime = forever $ do
+    i <- takeMVar mIn
+    when (i `mod` prime /= 0) (putMVar mOut i)
+-- Take the first commandline argument and call it numArg.
+-- Create a new mVar and call it mIn and spawn a thread that runs generate on mIn.
+-- Read numArg as an integer value, and run newEmptyMVar that amount of times,
+-- calling the result out.
+-- Fold over the elements of out, with the function linkFilter, having mIn as the first value.
+main = do numArg:_ <- getArgs
+          mIn <- newEmptyMVar
+          forkIO $ generate mIn
+          out <- replicateM (read numArg) newEmptyMVar
+          foldM_ linkFilter mIn out
+-- Take a value from mIn, and call it prime. Then show that prime. Make a new thread that
+-- runs primeFilter with mIn, mOut and the prime. When this function is used as a fold
+-- function, mOut becomes the mIn of the next iteration.
+linkFilter :: MVar Int -> MVar Int -> IO (MVar Int)
+linkFilter mIn mOut = do prime <- takeMVar mIn
+                         putStrLn $ show prime
+                         forkIO $ primeFilter mIn mOut prime
+                         return mOut

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