solaris-amd64-head (Solaris/amd64 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 223, Failure

Builder freebsd.haskell.builder at
Mon Mar 9 04:25:08 UTC 2015

solaris-amd64-head (Solaris/amd64 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 223

Build failed

git clone                    | Success
create mk/           | Success
get subrepos                 | Success
repo versions                | Success
touching clean-check files   | Success
setting version date         | Success
booting                      | Success
configuring                  | Success
creating check-remove-before | Success
compiling                    | Failure: Just (ExitFailure 2)

Build failed

-------------- next part --------------
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] ignCall.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/ForeignCall.o 
<<ghc: 1501653496 bytes, 210 GCs, 17715479/4951046 [...] T (1.583 elapsed), 0.831 GC (0.980 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] Con.hs-boot -o compiler/stage1/build/TyCon.o-boot 
<<ghc: 37590912 bytes, 29 GCs, 2508357/4319224 avg [...] T (0.050 elapsed), 0.047 GC (0.070 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] mula.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/BooleanFormula.o 
<<ghc: 654953640 bytes, 144 GCs, 16519049/47296920 [...] T (0.705 elapsed), 0.461 GC (0.573 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] r/types/Class.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/Class.o 
<<ghc: 427546600 bytes, 120 GCs, 11663418/34884200 [...] T (0.425 elapsed), 0.330 GC (0.402 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] n.hs-boot -o compiler/stage1/build/DataCon.o-boot 
<<ghc: 76110480 bytes, 50 GCs, 5568360/13004776 av [...] T (0.075 elapsed), 0.106 GC (0.136 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] MkId.hs-boot -o compiler/stage1/build/MkId.o-boot 
<<ghc: 39392856 bytes, 29 GCs, 2536904/4382808 avg [...] T (0.055 elapsed), 0.049 GC (0.072 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] stSetOps.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/ListSetOps.o 
<<ghc: 213177952 bytes, 129 GCs, 5944720/13444912  [...] T (0.282 elapsed), 0.171 GC (0.200 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osu [...] icTypes/Avail.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/Avail.o 
<<ghc: 297226848 bytes, 109 GCs, 14226582/42010920 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 87M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.216 MUT (0.266 elapsed), 0.317 GC (0.405 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -static  -H32m -O  -package-db libr [...] tubdir compiler/stage1/build   -c compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/RdrName.o 
<<ghc: 1594290024 bytes, 215 GCs, 17236346/49564336 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 104M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 1.525 MUT (1.637 elapsed), 0.758 GC (0.876 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -static  -H32m -O  -package-db libraries/bootstrapping.conf  -this-package-key ghc_JUVLJJMl6OZB057tFdvG4K -hide-all-packages -i -icompiler/basicTypes -icompiler/cmm -icompiler/codeGen -icompiler/coreSyn -icompiler/deSugar [...] -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -this-package-key ghc -XHaskell2010 -DSTAGE=1 -Rghc-timing   -no-user-package-db -rtsopts      -odir compiler/stage1/build -hidir compiler/stage1/build -stubdir compiler/stage1/build   -c compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/PrelNames.o 
<<ghc: 1729423960 bytes, 533 GCs, 15784127/29377744 avg/max bytes residency (11 samples), 72M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 1.517 MUT (1.650 elapsed), 0.877 GC (0.973 elapsed) :ghc>>
"/opt/ghc-7.10.1-rc1-amd64/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -static  -H32m -O  -package-db libraries/bootstrapping.conf  -this-package-key ghc_JUVLJJMl6OZB057tFdvG4K -hide-all-packages -i -icompiler/basicTypes -icompiler/cmm -icompiler/codeGen -icompiler/coreSyn -icompiler/deSugar -icompiler/ghci -icompiler/hsSyn -icompiler/iface -icompiler/llvmGen -icompiler/main -icompiler/nativeGen -icompiler/parser -icompiler/prelude -icompiler/profiling -icompiler/rename -icompiler/simplCore -icompiler/simplStg -icompiler/specialise -icompiler/stgSyn -icompiler/stranal -icompiler/typecheck -icompiler/types -icompiler/utils -icompiler/vectorise -icompiler/stage1/build -icompiler/stage1/build/autogen -Icompiler/stage1/build -Icompiler/stage1/build/autogen -Icompiler/. -Icompiler/parser -Icompiler/utils -Icompiler/stage1    -optP-include -optPcompiler/stage1/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package-key array_3w0nMK0JfaFJPpLFn2yWAJ -package-key base_469rOtLAqwTGFEOGWxSUiQ -package-key binpa_FT0752u2HgF15yzhXFARYU -package-key bytes_GyKPtAP9tDU8R3kplaOsGL -package-key conta_LC4pLE3kBzGKpeTiXrfSYW -package-key direc_3m6Ew9I164U5MIkATLCdb8 -package-key filep_1vDJvPDP7mkAk0dVCj6gws -package-key hoopl_9pHhCdD0g7uClphm6KS4Iq -package-key hpc_LAxpNGtkAe20sITNUrgyPj -package-key proce_ADbmNMhxdsoDn9NrOWjezu -package-key time_GZv5NIWYuYvJeCRUBFgGQL -package-key trans_H9c1w14lEUN3zdWCTsn8jG -package-key unix_0eL7iagUGBD0Zhli8uoZQW -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -this-package-key ghc -XHaskell2010 -DSTAGE=1 -Rghc-timing   -no-user-package-db -rtsopts      -odir compiler/stage1/build -hidir compiler/stage1/build -stubdir compiler/stage1/build   -c compiler/utils/Pair.hs -o compiler/stage1/build/Pair.o 

    Not in scope: ?<$>?
    Perhaps you meant one of these:
      ?<*>? (imported from Prelude), ?<+>? (imported from Outputable),
      ?<>? (imported from Outputable)
<<ghc: 41006784 bytes, 31 GCs, 3636138/6690088 avg/max bytes residency (4 samples), 30M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 0.028 MUT (0.094 elapsed), 0.081 GC (0.106 elapsed) :ghc>>
gmake[1]: *** [compiler/stage1/build/Pair.o] Error 1
gmake: *** [all] Error 2

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