tn23 (x86 OSX HEAD), build 826, Failure

Builder bit.bucket at
Mon Feb 4 00:50:26 CET 2013

tn23 (x86 OSX HEAD), build 826

Build failed

git clone          | Success
create mk/ | Success
get subrepos       | Failure: Just (ExitFailure 1)

Build failed

-------------- next part --------------
Submodule path 'libraries/Win32': checked out '21335a30161c099da79ae9619c9782e5e32e4644'
Cloning into libraries/binary...
Submodule path 'libraries/binary': checked out '2d31cea238d0d08885c457475fc354dbf2b88976'
Cloning into libraries/bytestring...
Submodule path 'libraries/bytestring': checked out 'aaf84424aee2bac53b5121115b95ae47bcce17a2'
Cloning into libraries/containers...
Submodule path 'libraries/containers': checked out 'a9b7224068ae60f73baacd5f76d2c27624d90120'
Cloning into libraries/haskeline...
Submodule path 'libraries/haskeline': checked out '6ee5fc8ccdee410486a826cadfb2a0a560d60506'
Cloning into libraries/pretty...
Submodule path 'libraries/pretty': checked out 'ab7e8d91470bb94c9e184dffbec89d0aae116f9b'
Cloning into libraries/primitive...
Submodule path 'libraries/primitive': checked out '75c3379b6d76e914cc3c7ffd290b6b1cad7ea3e6'
Cloning into libraries/random...
fatal: reference is not a tree: 2117e38729adaa4f465f3c5b7a8c5c4d77702d3f
Unable to checkout '2117e38729adaa4f465f3c5b7a8c5c4d77702d3f' in submodule path 'libraries/random'
git failed: 256 at ./sync-all line 176.
== Checking for old haddock repo
== Checking for old binary repo
== Checking for old mtl repo
== Checking for old Cabal repo
== Checking for old time from tarball

You have an old time package in your GHC tree!

Please remove it (e.g. "rm -r libraries/time"), and then run
"./sync-all get" to get the new repository.

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