[Hs-Generics] patch applied (generics): Description for constructor cases

Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev alexey at cs.uu.nl
Fri Jan 18 12:04:22 EST 2008

Fri Jan 18 08:46:33 PST 2008  Alexey Rodriguez <alexey at cs.uu.nl>
  * Description for constructor cases
  Constructor cases
  This is for testing constructor cases, that is, can you write
  an ad-hoc case to handle one constructor and then let the rest
  be handled/traversed generically?
  Why is this useful?
  Suppose you want to rewrite "x+0" to "x" in a big AST, you do not
  want to program the traversal of other constructors, right?
  Well, this removes "WithWeight" constructors handling the others

    M ./comparison/TestRmWeights.lhs +12

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