[Hs-Generics] patch applied (generics): Spine GShow conforms to the expected result in benchmark

Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev alexey at cs.uu.nl
Thu Oct 25 12:16:15 EDT 2007

Thu Oct 25 06:07:34 PDT 2007  Alexey Rodriguez <alexey at cs.uu.nl>
  * Spine GShow conforms to the expected result in benchmark
  The implementation of generic show in this library was more advanced than in
  other libraries. Nothing fundamental, but it is to tiresome to make as good a
  show in all libraries. In short we went for the lowest common denominator.
  The things that were changed were:
   * Removed ad-hoc cases for lists and strings.
   * Constructors were renamed (Cons -> (:) , Nil -> [])
   * Now we always print a parenthesis around the result (hacky since Spine uses priorities of infix constructors
     while other libs don't, so data with infix cons. might break this again).

    M ./comparison/Spine/GShow.lhs -13
    M ./comparison/Spine/SYB1.hs -5 +10

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