[Fieldtrip] 2D rendering

Tillmann Vogt Tillmann.Vogt at rwth-aachen.de
Wed Jan 21 13:31:21 EST 2009

Peter Verswyvelen schrieb:
> Are there any plans to add rich 2D rendering support to fieldtrip? 
> So that we can have text, lines, fills, curves etc?
> So that we can get rid of the Render monad in GTK and other libs?

I have asked myself this also. Currently there seems to be a 
Haskell-binding to Cairo and as DSL for 2d shapes: 

My opinion is that Fieldtrip should have 3d shape generation 
capabilities. A first inspiration could be CGA Shape Grammar which 
produced very nice models of cities (i.e. Pompei). Then there is GML 
which is a stack-based language to generate shape.  What I don't 
understand is: Why not using a real programming language for programming 
shape (like Haskell)? Grammar and stack-language seem to be an excuse 
for not wanting to parse/compile a more powerful langugage. In Haskell 
this could be more beautifully solved by a DSL and maybe one day 
dynamically loading of Code (like in YI).

I am currently reading reading the PhD Thesis about GML and trying to 
find if there are valuable ideas from "A Generative Theory of Shape" by 
Michael Leyton.
Then I will try to program this into Fieldtrip.
Any hints or ideas on how to do this best would be welcome.

> Thanks,
> Peter
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