[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): Extended Pos in Extra to have start and end line & column.

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 07:28:25 EDT 2006

Thu Jul 29 09:49:05 PDT 2004  olaf
  * Extended Pos in Extra to have start and end line & column.
  Also modified lexer to generate token sequence with each token having its full position, i.e. including correct end line & column.
  However, parser not yet modified, so that positions in syntax tree only describe end of the first token of the syntactic construct, not the true one.
  Changes not yet noticeable, because error messages still give only start line:column.
  Hopefully no space leak introduced (positions are strict and their evaluation forced in lexer). (But size of a position obviously at least doubled.)

    M ./src/compiler98/Extra.hs -15 +36
    M ./src/compiler98/LexPre.hs -38 +60
    M ./src/compiler98/Lexical.hs -20 +20
    M ./src/compiler98/ParseCore.hs +4

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