[cvs-nhc98] cvs commit: nhc98/include bytecode.h bytecode_o.h newbytecode.h

Malcolm Wallace malcolm@glass.cse.ogi.edu
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 09:39:32 -0700

malcolm     2003/08/06 09:39:32 PDT

  Modified files:
    include              bytecode.h bytecode_o.h newbytecode.h 
  Add some comments to the bytecode header files to explain which files
  are relevant to which compiler backend, and how the mangler keeps them
  in synch.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +10 -191   nhc98/include/bytecode.h
  1.3       +6 -0      nhc98/include/bytecode_o.h
  1.3       +13 -0     nhc98/include/newbytecode.h