[cvs-nhc98] Re: [nhc-bugs] CVS copy doesn't compile

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace@cs.york.ac.uk
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:22:55 +0000

> > So, try a cvs update in the src/prelude/IO directory now, and let's
> > see if you get the newly commited file, or whether you need to wait.
> I now see it uncommented  :-)


> However, I am still hitting
> Fail: GcodeFix.hs:165: Non-exhaustive patterns in function nthcon

Did you get the latest versions of include/IO.hi and include/IO.T.hi?
The last 4 lines should read

    interface ! Prelude
    {-# NEED IO #-}
    newtype {-#  #-} IO a;
instead of
    interface ! Prelude
    {-# NEED IO #-}
    data IO a;
This should fix it.

> or, with the debugging line uncommented
>     Fail: nthcon: n==0 con==37
> (why is it commented out anyway?)

Don't know.  It looks safe enough to keep it in.